public static final class


extends Object
   ↳ android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService.Insets

Class Overview

Information about where interesting parts of the input method UI appear.


int TOUCHABLE_INSETS_CONTENT Option for touchableInsets: the area inside of the content insets can be touched.
int TOUCHABLE_INSETS_FRAME Option for touchableInsets: the entire window frame can be touched.
int TOUCHABLE_INSETS_VISIBLE Option for touchableInsets: the area inside of the visible insets can be touched.
public int contentTopInsets This is the top part of the UI that is the main content.
public int touchableInsets Determine which area of the window is touchable by the user.
public int visibleTopInsets This is the top part of the UI that is visibly covering the application behind it.
Public Constructors
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int TOUCHABLE_INSETS_CONTENT

Option for touchableInsets: the area inside of the content insets can be touched.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int TOUCHABLE_INSETS_FRAME

Option for touchableInsets: the entire window frame can be touched.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int TOUCHABLE_INSETS_VISIBLE

Option for touchableInsets: the area inside of the visible insets can be touched.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public int contentTopInsets

This is the top part of the UI that is the main content. It is used to determine the basic space needed, to resize/pan the application behind. It is assumed that this inset does not change very much, since any change will cause a full resize/pan of the application behind. This value is relative to the top edge of the input method window.

public int touchableInsets

Determine which area of the window is touchable by the user. May be one of: TOUCHABLE_INSETS_FRAME, TOUCHABLE_INSETS_CONTENT, or TOUCHABLE_INSETS_VISIBLE.

public int visibleTopInsets

This is the top part of the UI that is visibly covering the application behind it. This provides finer-grained control over visibility, allowing you to change it relatively frequently (such as hiding or showing candidates) without disrupting the underlying UI too much. For example, this will never resize the application UI, will only pan if needed to make the current focus visible, and will not aggressively move the pan position when this changes unless needed to make the focus visible. This value is relative to the top edge of the input method window.

Public Constructors

public InputMethodService.Insets ()