Class AddressingHelper

  extended by org.apache.axis2.addressing.AddressingHelper

public class AddressingHelper
extends java.lang.Object

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.lang.String getAddressingRequirementParemeterValue(AxisDescription axisDescription)
static java.lang.String getInvocationPatternParameterValue(AxisOperation axisOperation)
          Extract the parameter representing the Anonymous flag from the AxisOperation and return the String value.
static boolean isFaultRedirected(MessageContext messageContext)
          Returns true if the FaultTo address does not match one of the supported anonymous urls.
static boolean isReplyRedirected(MessageContext messageContext)
          Returns true if the ReplyTo address does not match one of the supported anonymous urls.
static void setAddressingRequirementParemeterValue(AxisDescription axisDescription, java.lang.String value)
static void setInvocationPatternParameterValue(AxisOperation axisOperation, java.lang.String value)
          Set the value of an existing unlocked Parameter representing Anonymous or add a new one if one does not exist.
static boolean shouldSendFaultToFaultTo(MessageContext messageContext)
          If the inbound FaultTo header was invalid and caused a fault, the fault should not be sent to it.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AddressingHelper()
Method Detail


public static boolean isReplyRedirected(MessageContext messageContext)
Returns true if the ReplyTo address does not match one of the supported anonymous urls. If the ReplyTo is not set, anonymous is assumed, per the Final spec. The AddressingInHandler should have set the ReplyTo to non-null in the 2004/08 case to ensure the different semantics. (per AXIS2-885)

messageContext -


public static boolean isFaultRedirected(MessageContext messageContext)
Returns true if the FaultTo address does not match one of the supported anonymous urls. If the FaultTo is not set, the ReplyTo is checked per the spec.

messageContext -
See Also:


public static boolean shouldSendFaultToFaultTo(MessageContext messageContext)
If the inbound FaultTo header was invalid and caused a fault, the fault should not be sent to it.

true if the fault should be sent to the FaultTo


public static java.lang.String getAddressingRequirementParemeterValue(AxisDescription axisDescription)


public static java.lang.String getInvocationPatternParameterValue(AxisOperation axisOperation)
Extract the parameter representing the Anonymous flag from the AxisOperation and return the String value. Return the default of "optional" if not specified.

axisOperation -


public static void setInvocationPatternParameterValue(AxisOperation axisOperation,
                                                      java.lang.String value)
Set the value of an existing unlocked Parameter representing Anonymous or add a new one if one does not exist. If a locked Parameter of the same name already exists the method will trace and return.

axisOperation -
value -


public static void setAddressingRequirementParemeterValue(AxisDescription axisDescription,
                                                          java.lang.String value)

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