Uses of Interface

Packages that use Builder

Uses of Builder in org.apache.axis2.builder

Classes in org.apache.axis2.builder that implement Builder
 class ApplicationXMLBuilder
          This builder is used when the serialization of the message is application/xml.
 class MIMEBuilder
 class MTOMBuilder
 class MultipartFormDataBuilder
 class SOAPBuilder
 class XFormURLEncodedBuilder

Methods in org.apache.axis2.builder that return Builder
static Builder BuilderUtil.getBuilderFromSelector(java.lang.String type, MessageContext msgContext)
          Initial work for a builder selector which selects the builder for a given message format based on the the content type of the recieved message.

Uses of Builder in org.apache.axis2.engine

Methods in org.apache.axis2.engine that return Builder
 Builder AxisConfiguration.getMessageBuilder(java.lang.String contentType)

Methods in org.apache.axis2.engine with parameters of type Builder
 void AxisConfiguration.addMessageBuilder(java.lang.String contentType, Builder messageBuilder)
          Register a messageBuilder implementation against a content type.

Uses of Builder in org.apache.axis2.fastinfoset

Classes in org.apache.axis2.fastinfoset that implement Builder
 class FastInfosetBuilder
 class FastInfosetPOXBuilder

Uses of Builder in org.apache.axis2.json

Classes in org.apache.axis2.json that implement Builder
 class JSONBadgerfishOMBuilder
 class JSONOMBuilder
          Makes the OMSourcedElementImpl object with the JSONDataSource inside.

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