Uses of Interface

Packages that use AxisCallback

Uses of AxisCallback in org.apache.axis2.client

Fields in org.apache.axis2.client declared as AxisCallback
protected  AxisCallback OperationClient.axisCallback

Methods in org.apache.axis2.client with parameters of type AxisCallback
 void ServiceClient.sendReceiveNonBlocking( elem, AxisCallback callback)
          Directly invoke an anonymous operation with an In-Out MEP without waiting for a response.
 void ServiceClient.sendReceiveNonBlocking(QName operation, elem, AxisCallback callback)
          Directly invoke a named operation with an In-Out MEP without waiting for a response.
 void OperationClient.setCallback(AxisCallback callback)
          Set the callback to be executed when a message comes into the MEP and the operation client is executed.

Uses of AxisCallback in org.apache.axis2.rpc.client

Methods in org.apache.axis2.rpc.client with parameters of type AxisCallback
 void RPCServiceClient.invokeNonBlocking(QName opName, java.lang.Object[] args, AxisCallback callback)
          Invoke the nonblocking/Asynchronous call

Uses of AxisCallback in org.apache.axis2.util

Methods in org.apache.axis2.util with parameters of type AxisCallback
 void CallbackReceiver.addCallback(java.lang.String msgID, AxisCallback callback)

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