Package org.apache.axis2.context

Interface Summary
ContextListener A ContextListener gets informed about new context creations & removal of existing contexts.
SelfManagedDataManager An interface for use by a message handler to allow it to save and restore any message-specific data.

Class Summary
AbstractContext This is the top most level of the Context hierarchy and is a bag of properties.
ConfigurationContext Axis2 states are held in two information models, called description hierarchy and context hierarchy.
MessageContext Axis2 states are held in two information models, called description hierarchy and context hierarchy.
OperationContext An OperationContext represents a running "instance" of an operation, which is represented by an AxisOperation object.
OperationContextFactory This is the factory for OperationContext.
PropertyDifference This class holds the difference between two properties which are stored in the AbstractContext
ServiceContext Well this is never clearly defined, what it does or the life-cycle.
SessionContext All the engine components are stateless across the executions and all the states should be kept in the Contexts, there are three context Global, Session and Message.

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