Uses of Class

Packages that use OutputForm

Uses of OutputForm in org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval

Fields in org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval declared as OutputForm
static OutputForm OutputForm.INLINE_FORM
          Possible Output formats as stated in of in the WS-MEX specification.
static OutputForm OutputForm.LOCATION_FORM
static OutputForm OutputForm.REFERENCE_FORM

Methods in org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval that return OutputForm
 OutputForm DataRetrievalRequest.getOutputForm()
          Returns the output format specified in the request.
protected  OutputForm BaseAxisDataLocator.getOutputForm()

Methods in org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval with parameters of type OutputForm
 void DataRetrievalRequest.putOutputForm(OutputForm form)
          Allow to set the output format of the data retrieved.

Uses of OutputForm in

Methods in with parameters of type OutputForm
 MetadataSection[] Metadata.getMetadataSection(java.lang.String dialect, java.lang.String identifier, OutputForm form)
          Answers the Metadata Sections that met the criteria specified in the dialect, identifier, and form.

Uses of OutputForm in org.apache.axis2.mex.util

Methods in org.apache.axis2.mex.util that return OutputForm
static OutputForm[] MexUtil.allSupportedOutputForms()
static OutputForm[] MexUtil.determineOutputForm(java.lang.String dialect, Parameter axisConfigMEXParm, Parameter serviceConfigMEXParm)
          Determine output forms for specified dialect based on "metadataexchange" configured in axis2.xml and services.xml.

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