Uses of Class

Packages that use DeploymentEngine

Uses of DeploymentEngine in org.apache.axis2.deployment

Subclasses of DeploymentEngine in org.apache.axis2.deployment
 class FileSystemConfigurator
 class URLBasedAxisConfigurator
 class WarBasedAxisConfigurator
          Processes the init parameters for the AxisServlet.

Fields in org.apache.axis2.deployment declared as DeploymentEngine
protected  DeploymentEngine RepositoryListener.deploymentEngine

Constructors in org.apache.axis2.deployment with parameters of type DeploymentEngine
AxisConfigBuilder( serviceInputStream, AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration, DeploymentEngine deploymentEngine)
RepositoryListener(DeploymentEngine deploymentEngine, boolean isClasspath)
          This constructor takes two arguments, a folder name and a reference to Deployment Engine First, it initializes the system, by loading all the modules in the /modules directory and then creates a WSInfoList to store information about available modules and services.

Uses of DeploymentEngine in org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util

Constructors in org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util with parameters of type DeploymentEngine
WSInfoList(DeploymentEngine deploy_engine)

Uses of DeploymentEngine in org.apache.axis2.scripting

Subclasses of DeploymentEngine in org.apache.axis2.scripting
 class ScriptDeploymentEngine
          An Axis2 DeploymentEngine subclass for deploying script services supporting hot deploy and hot update.

Constructors in org.apache.axis2.scripting with parameters of type DeploymentEngine
ScriptRepositoryListener(DeploymentEngine deploymentEngine)

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