Uses of Class

Packages that use AxisModule

Uses of AxisModule in org.apache.axis2.deployment

Methods in org.apache.axis2.deployment that return AxisModule
static AxisModule DeploymentEngine.buildModule( modulearchive, AxisConfiguration config)
          Builds an AxisModule for a given module archive file.
 AxisModule DeploymentEngine.getModule(java.lang.String moduleName)

Methods in org.apache.axis2.deployment with parameters of type AxisModule
static void DeploymentEngine.addNewModule(AxisModule modulemetadata, AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration)

Constructors in org.apache.axis2.deployment with parameters of type AxisModule
ModuleBuilder( serviceInputStream, AxisModule module, AxisConfiguration axisConfig)

Uses of AxisModule in org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util

Methods in org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util with parameters of type AxisModule
 void ArchiveReader.readModuleArchive(DeploymentFileData deploymentFile, AxisModule module, boolean explodedDir, AxisConfiguration axisConfig)

Uses of AxisModule in org.apache.axis2.deployment.util

Methods in org.apache.axis2.deployment.util with parameters of type AxisModule
static void Utils.deployModuleServices(AxisModule module, ConfigurationContext configCtx)
          This method is to get the list of services there in a module if module want to add services then the way of doing that is 1.

Uses of AxisModule in org.apache.axis2.description

Methods in org.apache.axis2.description with parameters of type AxisModule
 void AxisDescription.disengageModule(AxisModule module)
 void AxisBinding.engageModule(AxisModule axisModule)
 void AxisBindingOperation.engageModule(AxisModule axisModule)
 void AxisEndpoint.engageModule(AxisModule axisModule)
 void AxisBindingMessage.engageModule(AxisModule axisModule)
 void AxisDescription.engageModule(AxisModule axisModule)
          Engage a Module at this level
 void AxisDescription.engageModule(AxisModule axisModule, AxisDescription source)
          Engage a Module at this level, keeping track of which level the engage was originally called from.
 boolean AxisDescription.isEngaged(AxisModule axisModule)
 void AxisServiceGroup.onDisengage(AxisModule module)
 void AxisService.onDisengage(AxisModule module)
protected  void AxisOperation.onDisengage(AxisModule module)
protected  void AxisDescription.onDisengage(AxisModule module)
protected  void AxisServiceGroup.onEngage(AxisModule module, AxisDescription engager)
          When a module gets engaged on a ServiceGroup, we have to engage it for each Service.
 void AxisService.onEngage(AxisModule axisModule, AxisDescription engager)
          Engages a module.
 void AxisOperation.onEngage(AxisModule axisModule, AxisDescription engager)
          This is called when a module is engaged on this operation.
protected  void AxisDescription.onEngage(AxisModule module, AxisDescription engager)
 void AxisMessage.onEngage(AxisModule axisModule, AxisDescription engager)
          We do not support adding module operations when engaging a module to an AxisMessage
 void AxisOperation.removeFromEngagedModuleList(AxisModule module)
          Deprecated. please use disengageModule(), this method will disappear after 1.3

Uses of AxisModule in org.apache.axis2.engine

Methods in org.apache.axis2.engine that return AxisModule
 AxisModule AxisConfiguration.getDefaultModule(java.lang.String moduleName)
 AxisModule AxisConfiguration.getModule(java.lang.String name)
          Method getModule.
 AxisModule AxisConfiguration.getModule(java.lang.String moduleName, java.lang.String moduleVersion)
          Return the module having name=moduleName & version=moduleVersion

Methods in org.apache.axis2.engine with parameters of type AxisModule
 void AxisConfiguration.addModule(AxisModule module)
          Add an available Module to this configuration
 boolean AxisConfiguration.isEngaged(AxisModule axisModule)
 void AxisObserver.moduleUpdate(AxisEvent event, AxisModule module)
 void AxisConfiguration.notifyObservers(int event_type, AxisModule moule)
 void AxisConfiguration.onDisengage(AxisModule module)
          To dis-engage a module from the system.
 void AxisConfiguration.onEngage(AxisModule module, AxisDescription engager)
 void AxisConfiguration.registerLocalPolicyAssertions(AxisModule axisModule)
 void AxisConfiguration.registerModulePolicySupport(AxisModule axisModule)

Uses of AxisModule in org.apache.axis2.handlers.soapmonitor

Methods in org.apache.axis2.handlers.soapmonitor with parameters of type AxisModule
 void SOAPMonitorModule.init(ConfigurationContext configContext, AxisModule module)

Uses of AxisModule in org.apache.axis2.mex

Methods in org.apache.axis2.mex with parameters of type AxisModule
 void MetadataExchangeModule.init(ConfigurationContext configContext, AxisModule module)

Uses of AxisModule in org.apache.axis2.modules

Methods in org.apache.axis2.modules with parameters of type AxisModule
 void Module.init(ConfigurationContext configContext, AxisModule module)

Uses of AxisModule in org.apache.axis2.phaseresolver

Methods in org.apache.axis2.phaseresolver with parameters of type AxisModule
 void PhaseResolver.disengageModuleFromGlobalChains(AxisModule module)
          To remove handlers from global chians this method can be used , first it take inflow of the module and then take handler one by one and then remove those handlers from global inchain , the same procedure will be carry out for all the other flows as well.
 void PhaseResolver.disengageModuleFromOperationChain(AxisModule module, AxisOperation operation)
          To remove handlers from operations chians this method can be used , first it take inflow of the module and then take handler one by one and then remove those handlers from global inchain , the same procedure will be carry out for all the other flows as well.
 void PhaseResolver.engageModuleToMessage(AxisMessage axisMessage, AxisModule axisModule)
 void PhaseResolver.engageModuleToOperation(AxisOperation axisOperation, AxisModule module)

Uses of AxisModule in org.apache.axis2.scripting

Methods in org.apache.axis2.scripting with parameters of type AxisModule
 void ScriptModule.init(ConfigurationContext configContext, AxisModule module)
          Init by creating and deploying AxisServices for each script

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