Uses of Interface

Packages that use ObjectSupplier

Uses of ObjectSupplier in org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils

Methods in org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils with parameters of type ObjectSupplier
static java.lang.Object BeanUtil.deserialize(java.lang.Class beanClass, beanElement, MultirefHelper helper, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier)
static java.lang.Object BeanUtil.deserialize(java.lang.Class beanClass, beanElement, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier, java.lang.String arrayLocalName)
static java.lang.Object[] BeanUtil.deserialize( response, java.lang.Object[] javaTypes, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier)
          To get JavaObjects from XML elemnt , the element most of the time contains only one element in that case that element will be converted to the JavaType specified by the javaTypes array The algo is as follows, get the childerns of the response element , and if it conatian more than one element then check the retuen type of that element and conver that to corresponding JavaType
static java.lang.Object BeanUtil.processObject( omElement, java.lang.Class classType, MultirefHelper helper, boolean isArrayType, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier)
 java.lang.Object MultirefHelper.processRef(java.lang.Class javatype, java.lang.String id, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier)

Uses of ObjectSupplier in org.apache.axis2.description

Methods in org.apache.axis2.description that return ObjectSupplier
 ObjectSupplier AxisService.getObjectSupplier()

Methods in org.apache.axis2.description with parameters of type ObjectSupplier
 void AxisService.setObjectSupplier(ObjectSupplier objectSupplier)

Uses of ObjectSupplier in org.apache.axis2.engine

Classes in org.apache.axis2.engine that implement ObjectSupplier
 class DefaultObjectSupplier

Uses of ObjectSupplier in org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers

Methods in org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers with parameters of type ObjectSupplier
static java.lang.Object[] RPCUtil.processRequest( methodElement, java.lang.reflect.Method method, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier)

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