Interface Axis2EndpointReferenceFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Axis2EndpointReferenceFactory

This class represents factories that can be use to create instances of EndpointReference that can ultimately be converted into instances of EndpointReference that are suitable to be returned via the appropriate JAX-WS 2.1 API methods.

Method Summary
 EndpointReference createEndpointReference(QName serviceName, QName endpoint)
          Create an instance of EndpointReference that targets the endpoint identified by the specified WSDL service name and endpoint name.
 EndpointReference createEndpointReference(java.lang.String address)
          Create an instance of EndpointReference with the specified address.
 EndpointReference createEndpointReference(java.lang.String address, QName serviceName, QName portName, java.lang.String wsdlDocumentLocation, java.lang.String addressingNamespace)
          Create an instance of EndpointReference.

Method Detail


EndpointReference createEndpointReference(java.lang.String address)
Create an instance of EndpointReference with the specified address.

address - the address URI to use. It cannot be null.
an instance of EndpointReference.


EndpointReference createEndpointReference(QName serviceName,
                                          QName endpoint)
Create an instance of EndpointReference that targets the endpoint identified by the specified WSDL service name and endpoint name.

serviceName - the WSDL service name
endpoint - the WSDL port name
an instance of EndpointReference that targets the specified endpoint


EndpointReference createEndpointReference(java.lang.String address,
                                          QName serviceName,
                                          QName portName,
                                          java.lang.String wsdlDocumentLocation,
                                          java.lang.String addressingNamespace)
Create an instance of EndpointReference. If the address is specified then it will be used. If the address is null, but the WSDL service name and port name are specified then they will be used to target the specified endpoint. Either the address URI, or the WSDL service name and port name must be specified.

address - the address URI to use, if specified
serviceName - the WSDL service name, if specified
portName - the WSDL port name, if specified
wsdlDocumentLocation - the URI from where the WSDL for the endpoint can be retrieved, if specified.
addressingNamespace - the intended WS-Addressing namespace that the EndpointRefence should comply with.
an instance of EndpointReference.

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