Interface CustomAnnotationProcessor

public interface CustomAnnotationProcessor

This interface represents processors that will be used to handle CustomAnnotationInstances that are added to the MDQ layer by the uaser. These processors will also be registered with MDQ, and they will be called by MDQ as needed.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAnnotationInstanceClassName()
          This method returns the fully qualifed name of the CustomAnnotationInstance class that this processor is responsible for handling.
 void processTypeLevelAnnotation(EndpointDescription ed, CustomAnnotationInstance annotation)
          This method will be called to process an annotation type recognized by this processor that was found at the type level.
 void setAnnotationInstanceClassName(java.lang.String annotationInstanceClassName)
          This method sets the fully qualifed name of the CustomAnnotationInstance class that this processor is responsible for handling.

Method Detail


void setAnnotationInstanceClassName(java.lang.String annotationInstanceClassName)
This method sets the fully qualifed name of the CustomAnnotationInstance class that this processor is responsible for handling.


java.lang.String getAnnotationInstanceClassName()
This method returns the fully qualifed name of the CustomAnnotationInstance class that this processor is responsible for handling.


void processTypeLevelAnnotation(EndpointDescription ed,
                                CustomAnnotationInstance annotation)
This method will be called to process an annotation type recognized by this processor that was found at the type level.

ed - - EndpointDescription that the annotation was associated with
annotation - - The CustomAnnotationInstance that should be processed by this processor

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