Class DescriptionUtils

  extended by org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.impl.DescriptionUtils

public class DescriptionUtils
extends java.lang.Object

Utilities used throughout the Description package.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void getAttachmentFromBinding(org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.impl.OperationDescriptionImpl opDesc, javax.wsdl.Binding binding)
          This method will process a WSDL Binding and build AttachmentDescription objects if the WSDL dicatates attachments.
static java.lang.String getNamespaceFromSOAPElement(java.util.List extElements)
          This method will loop through a list of extensibility elements looking for one of four objects: SOAPBody, SOAP12Body, SOAPHeader, SOAP12Header.
static boolean isAsync(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
          Determine is this method is an async method
static HandlerChainsType loadHandlerChains( is, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
static java.lang.String mapBindingTypeAnnotationToWsdl(java.lang.String annotationBindingType)
          Given a binding type value based on a JAXWS anntation, return the corresponding WSDL binding type.
static java.lang.String mapBindingTypeWsdlToAnnotation(java.lang.String wsdlBindingType, java.lang.String soapTransport)
          Given a binding type value based on WSDL, return the corresponding JAXWS annotation value.
static openHandlerConfigStream(java.lang.String configFile, java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
          This is a helper method that will open a stream to an @HandlerChain configuration file.
static void registerHandlerHeaders(AxisService axisService, java.util.List<Handler> handlers)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DescriptionUtils()
Method Detail


public static openHandlerConfigStream(java.lang.String configFile,
                                                          java.lang.String className,
                                                          java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
This is a helper method that will open a stream to an @HandlerChain configuration file.

configFile - - The path to the file
className - - The class in which the annotation was declared. This is used in case the file path is relative.
classLoader - - ClassLoader used to load relative file paths.


public static boolean isAsync(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
Determine is this method is an async method

method - - The method to examine


public static HandlerChainsType loadHandlerChains( is,
                                                  java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)


public static java.lang.String getNamespaceFromSOAPElement(java.util.List extElements)
This method will loop through a list of extensibility elements looking for one of four objects: SOAPBody, SOAP12Body, SOAPHeader, SOAP12Header. If any of these objects are found the namespace URI from this object will be returned.


public static void getAttachmentFromBinding(org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.impl.OperationDescriptionImpl opDesc,
                                            javax.wsdl.Binding binding)
This method will process a WSDL Binding and build AttachmentDescription objects if the WSDL dicatates attachments.


public static void registerHandlerHeaders(AxisService axisService,
                                          java.util.List<Handler> handlers)


public static java.lang.String mapBindingTypeAnnotationToWsdl(java.lang.String annotationBindingType)
Given a binding type value based on a JAXWS anntation, return the corresponding WSDL binding type. The JAXWS annotation values understood are those returned by mapBindingTypeWsdltoAnnotation.

annotationBindingType - The binding type as represented by a JAXWS annotation value
The binding type as represented by a WSDL binding extension namespace value
See Also:
mapBindingTypeWsdlToAnnotation(String, String)


public static java.lang.String mapBindingTypeWsdlToAnnotation(java.lang.String wsdlBindingType,
                                                              java.lang.String soapTransport)
Given a binding type value based on WSDL, return the corresponding JAXWS annotation value. The WSDL binding type values are based on the namespace of the binding extension element. The JAXWS annotation values correspond to the values to the HTTPBinding and SOAPBinding annotations. Additionally, proprietary values for JMS bindings are supported. The JAXWS binding type annotation values returned could be from SOAPBinding or HTTPBinding.

wsdlBindingType - The binding type as represnted by the WSDL binding extension namespace
soapTransport - The WSDL transport. Used to determine if a JMS binding type should be returned
The binding represented by a JAXWS Binding Type Annotation value from either SOAPBinding or HTTPBinding.

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