Class MustUnderstandUtils

  extended by org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatchers.MustUnderstandUtils

public class MustUnderstandUtils
extends java.lang.Object

Static utility methods used in processing mustUnderstand headers relative to JAXWS.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.util.ArrayList getHandlersHeaderParameterList(AxisService axisService)
          Return an ArrayList of QNames that is a collection of SOAP handlers
static java.util.ArrayList getHeaderParamaterList(MessageContext msgContext)
          Return an ArrayList of QNames corresponding to SOAP headers which map to method parameters for any methods on the corresponding SEI and the SOAP handlers.
static java.util.ArrayList getSEIMethodHeaderParameterList(AxisOperation axisOperation)
          Return an ArrayList of QNames corresponding to SOAP headers which map to method parameters for a specific operation.
static void markUnderstoodHeaderParameters(MessageContext msgContext)
          Mark all headers for JAXWS SEI method paramaters as understood.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MustUnderstandUtils()
Method Detail


public static void markUnderstoodHeaderParameters(MessageContext msgContext)
Mark all headers for JAXWS SEI method paramaters as understood. Note that per the JAXWS 2.0 specification, a header is considered understood if it used by as a parameter for any method on the SEI, not just the method corresponding to the incoming operation. See Section 10.2.1 item 3.a which specifically says "mapped to method parameters in the service endpoint interface".

msgContext -


public static java.util.ArrayList getHeaderParamaterList(MessageContext msgContext)
Return an ArrayList of QNames corresponding to SOAP headers which map to method parameters for any methods on the corresponding SEI and the SOAP handlers.

msgContext -
ArrayList of QNames for all header parameters for an SEI and SOAP handlers. The list may be empty but will not be null.


public static java.util.ArrayList getSEIMethodHeaderParameterList(AxisOperation axisOperation)
Return an ArrayList of QNames corresponding to SOAP headers which map to method parameters for a specific operation.

axisOperation -
ArrayList of header QNames for all header paramters on an operation, or null if none.


public static java.util.ArrayList getHandlersHeaderParameterList(AxisService axisService)
Return an ArrayList of QNames that is a collection of SOAP handlers

axisService -
ArrayList of header QNames.

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