Class HandlerChainProcessor

  extended by org.apache.axis2.jaxws.handler.HandlerChainProcessor

public class HandlerChainProcessor
extends java.lang.Object

Nested Class Summary
static class HandlerChainProcessor.Direction
static class HandlerChainProcessor.MEP
Constructor Summary
HandlerChainProcessor(java.util.List<Handler> chain, Protocol proto)
Method Summary
static void convertToFaultMessage(MEPContext mepCtx, java.lang.Exception e, Protocol protocol)
 boolean processChain(MEPContext mepCtx, HandlerChainProcessor.Direction direction, HandlerChainProcessor.MEP mep, boolean expectResponse)
 void processFault(MEPContext mepCtx, HandlerChainProcessor.Direction direction)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HandlerChainProcessor(java.util.List<Handler> chain,
                             Protocol proto)
Method Detail


public boolean processChain(MEPContext mepCtx,
                            HandlerChainProcessor.Direction direction,
                            HandlerChainProcessor.MEP mep,
                            boolean expectResponse)
mc - By the time processChain method is called, we already have the sorted chain, and now we have the direction, MEP, MessageContext, and if a response is expected. We should be able to handle everything from here, no pun intended. Two things a user of processChain should check when the method completes: 1. Has the MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY changed, indicating reversal of message direction 2. Has the message been converted to a fault message? (indicated by a flag in the message)


public void processFault(MEPContext mepCtx,
                         HandlerChainProcessor.Direction direction)


public static void convertToFaultMessage(MEPContext mepCtx,
                                         java.lang.Exception e,
                                         Protocol protocol)

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