Interface HandlerInvoker

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface HandlerInvoker

This interface represents a class that will be called by the JAX-WS EndpointController to handle the invocation of both inbound and outbound handlers. Instances of these will be served up by the HandlerInvokerFactory.

Method Summary
 boolean invokeInboundHandlers(HandlerInvocationContext context)
          Invokes all inbound handlers for the incoming request to the endpoint.
 boolean invokeOutboundHandlers(HandlerInvocationContext context)
          Invokes all inbound handlers for the incoming request to the endpoint.

Method Detail


boolean invokeInboundHandlers(HandlerInvocationContext context)
Invokes all inbound handlers for the incoming request to the endpoint.


boolean invokeOutboundHandlers(HandlerInvocationContext context)
Invokes all inbound handlers for the incoming request to the endpoint.

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