Class HandlerUtils

  extended by org.apache.axis2.jaxws.handler.HandlerUtils

public class HandlerUtils
extends java.lang.Object

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void checkMustUnderstand(MessageContext msgContext, java.util.List<QName> understood, java.util.List<java.lang.String> additionalRoles)
          checkMustUnderstand will validate headers that where delegated by Axis Engine to MessageReceiver for mustUnderstand check.
static java.util.List<QName> registerSOAPHandlerHeaders(MessageContext msgContext, java.util.List<Handler> handlers)
          registerHandlerHeaders will invoke getHeaders on SOAPHandlers and return a List of headers that are Understood by the handlers.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HandlerUtils()
Method Detail


public static java.util.List<QName> registerSOAPHandlerHeaders(MessageContext msgContext,
                                                               java.util.List<Handler> handlers)
registerHandlerHeaders will invoke getHeaders on SOAPHandlers and return a List of headers that are Understood by the handlers.

msgContext -
handlers -


public static void checkMustUnderstand(MessageContext msgContext,
                                       java.util.List<QName> understood,
                                       java.util.List<java.lang.String> additionalRoles)
                                throws AxisFault
checkMustUnderstand will validate headers that where delegated by Axis Engine to MessageReceiver for mustUnderstand check. Note that there is other JAX-WS related mustUnderstand checking occuring elsewhere:

msgContext - Contains the SOAPEnvelope and optionally a list of headers not understood by the AxisEngine
understood - A list of header QNames understood by JAX-WS, for example those understood by associated application handlers. Can be null.
additionalRoles - An instance of RolePlayer for any addtional roles played by JAX-WS for example, roles configured for associated handlers. Can be null.
AxisFault - if any headers marked mustUndersand are not understood.
See Also:
MustUnderstandValidationDispatcher, MustUnderstandChecker

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