Class InvocationHelper

  extended by org.apache.axis2.jaxws.server.InvocationHelper

public class InvocationHelper
extends java.lang.Object

This class represents static methods that are utilized during the course of invocation of a JAX-WS endpoint. This utility class is specifically meant to be used within the JAX-WS server-side flow.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void callListenersForException(java.lang.Throwable t, EndpointInvocationContext eic)
          This method is responsible for driving the InvocationListener instances' 'notifyOnException' method.
static void callListenersForException(java.lang.Throwable t, MessageContext context)
          This method is responsible for driving the method below.
static java.lang.Throwable determineMappedException(java.lang.Throwable t, EndpointInvocationContext eic)
          This method will drive the call to the above methods.
static java.lang.Throwable determineMappedException(java.lang.Throwable t, MessageContext context)
          This method will drive the call to the above methods.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InvocationHelper()
Method Detail


public static void callListenersForException(java.lang.Throwable t,
                                             MessageContext context)
This method is responsible for driving the method below. It will appropriately wrap the MessageContext in an EndpointInvocationContext. The MessageContext instance MUST be a request MessageContext.


public static void callListenersForException(java.lang.Throwable t,
                                             EndpointInvocationContext eic)
This method is responsible for driving the InvocationListener instances' 'notifyOnException' method. This method will be called anytime that an exception occurs within the JAX-WS server side code flow.


public static java.lang.Throwable determineMappedException(java.lang.Throwable t,
                                                           EndpointInvocationContext eic)
This method will drive the call to the above methods. It will drive the call to the 'notifyOnException' methods of all InvocationListeners. After doing this, it will determine if another exception has been set as the mapped exception, and if so it will return this exception. Otherwise, null is returned.


public static java.lang.Throwable determineMappedException(java.lang.Throwable t,
                                                           MessageContext context)
This method will drive the call to the above methods. It will drive the call to the 'notifyOnException' methods of all InvocationListeners. After doing this, it will determine if another exception has been set as the mapped exception, and if so it will return this exception. Otherwise, null is returned.

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