Class ServiceDelegate

  extended by
      extended by org.apache.axis2.jaxws.spi.ServiceDelegate

public class ServiceDelegate
extends ServiceDelegate

The ServiceDelegate serves as the backing implementation for all of the methods in the Service API. This is the plug point for the client implementation.

Constructor Summary
ServiceDelegate( url, QName qname, java.lang.Class clazz)
Method Summary
 void addPort(QName portName, java.lang.String bindingId, java.lang.String endpointAddress)
<T> Dispatch<T>
createDispatch(EndpointReference jaxwsEPR, java.lang.Class<T> type, Service.Mode mode, WebServiceFeature... features)
 Dispatch<java.lang.Object> createDispatch(EndpointReference jaxwsEPR, javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext context, Service.Mode mode, WebServiceFeature... features)
<T> Dispatch<T>
createDispatch(QName portName, java.lang.Class<T> type, Service.Mode mode)
<T> Dispatch<T>
createDispatch(QName portName, java.lang.Class<T> type, Service.Mode mode, WebServiceFeature... features)
 Dispatch<java.lang.Object> createDispatch(QName portName, javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext context, Service.Mode mode)
 Dispatch<java.lang.Object> createDispatch(QName portName, javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext context, Service.Mode mode, WebServiceFeature... features)
 java.util.concurrent.Executor getExecutor()
 HandlerResolver getHandlerResolver()
<T> T
getPort(java.lang.Class<T> sei)
<T> T
getPort(java.lang.Class<T> sei, WebServiceFeature... features)
<T> T
getPort(EndpointReference jaxwsEPR, java.lang.Class<T> sei, WebServiceFeature... features)
<T> T
getPort(EndpointReference axis2EPR, java.lang.String addressingNamespace, java.lang.Class<T> sei, WebServiceFeature... features)
<T> T
getPort(QName portName, java.lang.Class<T> sei)
<T> T
getPort(QName portName, java.lang.Class<T> sei, WebServiceFeature... features)
 java.util.Iterator<QName> getPorts()
 ServiceClient getServiceClient(QName portQName)
 ServiceDescription getServiceDescription()
          Get the ServiceDescription tree that this ServiceDelegate
 QName getServiceName()
 void setExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executor e)
 void setHandlerResolver(HandlerResolver handlerresolver)
static void setPortMetadata(DescriptionBuilderComposite composite)
          NON-STANDARD SPI! Set any metadata to be used on the creation of the NEXT Port by this thread.
static void setServiceMetadata(DescriptionBuilderComposite composite)
          NON-STANDARD SPI! Set any metadata to be used on the creation of the NEXT Service by this thread.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ServiceDelegate( url,
                       QName qname,
                       java.lang.Class clazz)
                throws WebServiceException
Method Detail


public static void setServiceMetadata(DescriptionBuilderComposite composite)
NON-STANDARD SPI! Set any metadata to be used on the creation of the NEXT Service by this thread. NOTE that this uses ThreadLocal to store the metadata, and that ThreadLocal is cleared after it is used to create a Service. That means: 1) The thread that sets the metadata to use MUST be the thread that creates the Service 2) Creation of the Service should be the very next thing the thread does 3) The metadata will be set to null when the Service is created, so to create another service with the same metadata, it will need to be set again prior to creating the service 4) The metadata can be set prior to creating both generic Service and generated Service instances. This allows creating a generic Service ( or a generated Service (subclass of specifying additional metadata via a sparse composite. This can be used by a runtime to create a Service for a requester using additional metadata such as might come from a deployment descriptor or from resource injection processing of @Resource or @WebServiceRef(s) annotations. Additional metadata may include things like @WebServiceClient.wsdlLocation or a @HandlerChain specification.

composite - Additional metadata (if any) to be used in creation of the service
See Also:
Service.create(QName), Service.create(URL, QName)


public static void setPortMetadata(DescriptionBuilderComposite composite)
NON-STANDARD SPI! Set any metadata to be used on the creation of the NEXT Port by this thread. NOTE that this uses ThreadLocal to store the metadata, and that ThreadLocal is cleared after it is used to create a Port. That means: 1) The thread that sets the metadata to use MUST be the thread that creates the Port 2) Creation of the Port should be the very next thing the thread does 3) The metadata will be set to null when the Port is created, so to create another Port with the same metadata, it will need to be set again prior to creating the Port 4) The metadata can be set prior to creating Port which specifies a QName via Service.getPort(QName, Class) or one that only specifies the SEI class via Service.getPort(Class) 5) Metadata can not be specified for dynamic ports, i.e. those added via Service.addPort(...). 6) Metadata can not be specfied when creating a dispatch client, i.e. via Service.createDispatch(...) 7) The Service used to create the port can be the generic service or a generated service. This allows creating Port specifying additional metadata via a sparse composite. This can be used by a runtime to create a Port for a requester using additional metadata such as might come from a deployment descriptor or from resource injection processing. Additional metadata might include things like a @HandlerChain specification.

composite - Additional metadata (if any) to be used in creation of the port
See Also:
Service.getPort(Class), Service.getPort(QName, Class)


public void addPort(QName portName,
                    java.lang.String bindingId,
                    java.lang.String endpointAddress)
             throws WebServiceException
Specified by:
addPort in class ServiceDelegate


public <T> Dispatch<T> createDispatch(QName portName,
                                      java.lang.Class<T> type,
                                      Service.Mode mode)
                           throws WebServiceException
Specified by:
createDispatch in class ServiceDelegate


public Dispatch<java.lang.Object> createDispatch(QName portName,
                                                 javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext context,
                                                 Service.Mode mode)
Specified by:
createDispatch in class ServiceDelegate


public <T> Dispatch<T> createDispatch(EndpointReference jaxwsEPR,
                                      java.lang.Class<T> type,
                                      Service.Mode mode,
                                      WebServiceFeature... features)
Specified by:
createDispatch in class ServiceDelegate


public Dispatch<java.lang.Object> createDispatch(EndpointReference jaxwsEPR,
                                                 javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext context,
                                                 Service.Mode mode,
                                                 WebServiceFeature... features)
Specified by:
createDispatch in class ServiceDelegate


public <T> Dispatch<T> createDispatch(QName portName,
                                      java.lang.Class<T> type,
                                      Service.Mode mode,
                                      WebServiceFeature... features)
Specified by:
createDispatch in class ServiceDelegate


public Dispatch<java.lang.Object> createDispatch(QName portName,
                                                 javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext context,
                                                 Service.Mode mode,
                                                 WebServiceFeature... features)
Specified by:
createDispatch in class ServiceDelegate


public <T> T getPort(java.lang.Class<T> sei)
          throws WebServiceException
Specified by:
getPort in class ServiceDelegate


public <T> T getPort(QName portName,
                     java.lang.Class<T> sei)
          throws WebServiceException
Specified by:
getPort in class ServiceDelegate


public <T> T getPort(java.lang.Class<T> sei,
                     WebServiceFeature... features)
Specified by:
getPort in class ServiceDelegate


public <T> T getPort(EndpointReference jaxwsEPR,
                     java.lang.Class<T> sei,
                     WebServiceFeature... features)
Specified by:
getPort in class ServiceDelegate


public <T> T getPort(QName portName,
                     java.lang.Class<T> sei,
                     WebServiceFeature... features)
Specified by:
getPort in class ServiceDelegate


public java.util.concurrent.Executor getExecutor()
Specified by:
getExecutor in class ServiceDelegate


public HandlerResolver getHandlerResolver()
Specified by:
getHandlerResolver in class ServiceDelegate


public java.util.Iterator<QName> getPorts()
Specified by:
getPorts in class ServiceDelegate


public QName getServiceName()
Specified by:
getServiceName in class ServiceDelegate


public getWSDLDocumentLocation()
Specified by:
getWSDLDocumentLocation in class ServiceDelegate


public void setExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executor e)
Specified by:
setExecutor in class ServiceDelegate


public void setHandlerResolver(HandlerResolver handlerresolver)
Specified by:
setHandlerResolver in class ServiceDelegate


public ServiceDescription getServiceDescription()
Get the ServiceDescription tree that this ServiceDelegate


public ServiceClient getServiceClient(QName portQName)
                               throws WebServiceException


public <T> T getPort(EndpointReference axis2EPR,
                     java.lang.String addressingNamespace,
                     java.lang.Class<T> sei,
                     WebServiceFeature... features)

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