Interface SchemaReader

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SchemaReader

Schema Reader interface is used to read schema from wsdl and derive appropriate package names from targetnamespace. The algorithm for deriving reading packages names from schema is as follows: 1) Read the inline schema defined in the wsdl 2) check if there is any jaxb customization/binding defined namely schemaBinding. if(schemaBinding defined) then read the package name and add that to the package set. else read the targetnamespace convert tns to package and add to pkg set. 3) check if there are any xsd imports or includes then for(each import) read the inline schema or perfor step 1 check if there is any jaxb schemaBinding customization defined if(schemaBinding defined) then read the package name and add that to the package set. else read the targetnamespace convert tns to package and add to pkg set. Do Step 3 recursively so we cover Schema imports within import n times.

Method Summary
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> readPackagesFromSchema(javax.wsdl.Definition wsdlDefinition)

Method Detail


java.util.Set<java.lang.String> readPackagesFromSchema(javax.wsdl.Definition wsdlDefinition)
                                                       throws SchemaReaderException

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