Interface Lifecycle

public interface Lifecycle

The Lifecycle interface should be implemented by your back-end service class if you wish to be notified of creation and cleanup by the Axis2 framework.

Method Summary
 void destroy(ServiceContext context)
          destroy() is called when Axis2 decides that it is finished with a particular instance of the back-end service class.
 void init(ServiceContext context)
          init() is called when a new instance of the implementing class has been created.

Method Detail


void init(ServiceContext context)
          throws AxisFault
init() is called when a new instance of the implementing class has been created. This occurs in sync with session/ServiceContext creation. This method gives classes a chance to do any setup work (grab resources, establish connections, etc) before they are invoked by a service request.

context - the active ServiceContext
AxisFault - if something goes wrong. Throwing a fault here will result in either failed deployment (for application-scoped services) or failed requests.


void destroy(ServiceContext context)
destroy() is called when Axis2 decides that it is finished with a particular instance of the back-end service class. It allows classes to clean up resources.

context - the active ServiceContext

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