Class OptionsParser

  extended by org.apache.axis2.util.OptionsParser

public class OptionsParser
extends java.lang.Object

Constructor Summary
OptionsParser(java.lang.String[] _args)
          Constructor - just pass in the args from the command line.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getPassword()
 java.lang.String[] getRemainingArgs()
          This returns an array of unused args - these are the non-option args from the command line.
 java.lang.String getRemainingFlags()
          This just returns a string with the unprocessed flags - mainly for error reporting - so you can report the unknown flags.
 java.lang.String getUser()
 int isFlagSet(char optChar)
          Returns an int specifying the number of times that the flag was specified on the command line.
 java.lang.String isValueSet(char optChar)
          Returns a string (or null) specifying the value for the passed option.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OptionsParser(java.lang.String[] _args)
Constructor - just pass in the args from the command line.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getPassword()


public java.lang.String[] getRemainingArgs()
This returns an array of unused args - these are the non-option args from the command line.


public java.lang.String getRemainingFlags()
This just returns a string with the unprocessed flags - mainly for error reporting - so you can report the unknown flags.


public java.lang.String getUser()


public int isFlagSet(char optChar)
Returns an int specifying the number of times that the flag was specified on the command line. Once this flag is looked for you must save the result because if you call it again for the same flag you'll get zero.


public java.lang.String isValueSet(char optChar)
Returns a string (or null) specifying the value for the passed option. If the option isn't there then null is returned. The option's value can be specified one of two ways: -x value -xvalue Note that: -ax value is not value (meaning flag 'a' followed by option 'x'. Options with values must be the first char after the '-'. If the option is specified more than once then the last one wins.

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