Class WSDLUtil

  extended by org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDLUtil

public class WSDLUtil
extends java.lang.Object

Some utility methods for the WSDL users

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static QName getPartQName(java.lang.String opName, java.lang.String suffix, java.lang.String partName)
          part names are not unique across messages.
static boolean isInputPresentForMEP(java.lang.String mep)
          returns whether the given mep uri is one of the input meps
static boolean isOutputPresentForMEP(java.lang.String MEP)
          returns whether the given mep URI is one of the output meps
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WSDLUtil()
Method Detail


public static boolean isInputPresentForMEP(java.lang.String mep)
returns whether the given mep uri is one of the input meps

mep -


public static boolean isOutputPresentForMEP(java.lang.String MEP)
returns whether the given mep URI is one of the output meps



public static QName getPartQName(java.lang.String opName,
                                 java.lang.String suffix,
                                 java.lang.String partName)
part names are not unique across messages. Hence we need some way of making the part name a unique one (due to the fact that the type mapper is a global list of types). The seemingly best way to do that is to specify a namespace for the part QName reference which is stored in the list. This part qname is temporary and should not be used with it's namespace URI (which happened to be the operation name) with _input (or a similar suffix) attached to it

opName -
suffix -
partName -

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