Interface WSDLWrapperImpl

All Superinterfaces:
javax.wsdl.extensions.AttributeExtensible, javax.wsdl.Definition, javax.wsdl.extensions.ElementExtensible,, javax.wsdl.WSDLElement
All Known Implementing Classes:
WSDLWrapperBasicImpl, WSDLWrapperReloadImpl, WSDLWrapperSaveImpl

public interface WSDLWrapperImpl
extends javax.wsdl.Definition

This interface provides support for processing a WSDL4J definition with a lower memory footprint. This is useful for certain environments.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface javax.wsdl.extensions.AttributeExtensible
Method Summary
 void close()
          Closes the use of the wrapper implementation and allows internal resources to be released.
 javax.wsdl.Definition getUnwrappedDefinition()
          Returns the WSDL4J Definition object that is being wrapped
 java.lang.String getWSDLLocation()
          Gets the location for the WSDL4J Definition object that is being wrapped
 void releaseResources()
 void setDefinitionToWrap(javax.wsdl.Definition d)
          Sets the WSDL4J Definition object that is being wrapped
 void setWSDLLocation(java.lang.String uriLocation)
          Sets the location for the WSDL4J Definition object that is being wrapped
Methods inherited from interface javax.wsdl.Definition
addBinding, addImport, addMessage, addNamespace, addPortType, addService, createBinding, createBindingFault, createBindingInput, createBindingOperation, createBindingOutput, createFault, createImport, createInput, createMessage, createOperation, createOutput, createPart, createPort, createPortType, createService, createTypes, getAllBindings, getAllPortTypes, getAllServices, getBinding, getBindings, getDocumentBaseURI, getExtensionRegistry, getImports, getImports, getMessage, getMessages, getNamespace, getNamespaces, getPortType, getPortTypes, getPrefix, getQName, getService, getServices, getTargetNamespace, getTypes, removeBinding, removeImport, removeMessage, removeNamespace, removePortType, removeService, setDocumentBaseURI, setExtensionRegistry, setQName, setTargetNamespace, setTypes
Methods inherited from interface javax.wsdl.WSDLElement
getDocumentationElement, setDocumentationElement
Methods inherited from interface javax.wsdl.extensions.AttributeExtensible
getExtensionAttribute, getExtensionAttributes, getNativeAttributeNames, setExtensionAttribute
Methods inherited from interface javax.wsdl.extensions.ElementExtensible
addExtensibilityElement, getExtensibilityElements, removeExtensibilityElement

Method Detail


javax.wsdl.Definition getUnwrappedDefinition()
Returns the WSDL4J Definition object that is being wrapped


void setDefinitionToWrap(javax.wsdl.Definition d)
Sets the WSDL4J Definition object that is being wrapped

d - the WSDL4J Definition object


void setWSDLLocation(java.lang.String uriLocation)
Sets the location for the WSDL4J Definition object that is being wrapped


java.lang.String getWSDLLocation()
Gets the location for the WSDL4J Definition object that is being wrapped


void releaseResources()


void close()
Closes the use of the wrapper implementation and allows internal resources to be released.

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