
Uses of Class

Packages that use AsynchronousCommandException

Uses of AsynchronousCommandException in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.asynchronous

Subclasses of AsynchronousCommandException in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.asynchronous
 class CommandNotFoundInCacheException
          Thrown if a command id is in the queue but is not in the cache.
 class RetryAttemptTooSoonException
          Thrown to indicate an attempt to retry execution of the command was made before it is allowed.
 class TooManyRetriesException
          Thrown when a command has unsuccessfully tried to be executed more than its retry limit.

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.asynchronous that throw AsynchronousCommandException
 int AsynchronousCommandExecutor.getExecuteAttemptsForCommand(java.lang.String uid)
          Gets the number of attempts for the command so far
static AsynchronousCommandExecutor AsynchronousCommandExecutor.getInstance()
          Factory method to get an instance of MessageDispatcher.
 Ehcache AsynchronousCommandExecutor.getMessageCache()
          Gets the message cache
(package private) AsynchronousCommandExecutor.getQueue()
          Must be synchronized as potentially two threads could create new queues at the same time, with the result that one element would be lost.
 java.lang.String AsynchronousCommandExecutor.queueForExecution(Command command)
          Stores parameters in the AsynchronousCommandExecutor.MESSAGE_CACHE for later execution.
(package private)  java.lang.String AsynchronousCommandExecutor.storeCommandToCache(net.sf.ehcache.constructs.asynchronous.AsynchronousCommandExecutor.InstrumentedCommand instrumentedCommand)
