Package org.hibernate.cfg

This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel.


Interface Summary
NamingStrategy A set of rules for determining the physical column and table names given the information in the mapping document.
QuerySecondPass Bind query
SecondPass Second pass operation

Class Summary
CollectionSecondPass Collection second pass
Configuration An instance of Configuration allows the application to specify properties and mapping documents to be used when creating a SessionFactory.
DefaultNamingStrategy The default NamingStrategy
Environment Provides access to configuration info passed in Properties objects.
ExtendsQueueEntry Represents a mapping queued for delayed processing to await processing of an extends entity upon which it depends.
HbmBinder Walks an XML mapping document and produces the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel (the classes in the mapping package)
ImprovedNamingStrategy An improved naming strategy that prefers embedded underscores to mixed case names
Mappings A collection of mappings from classes and collections to relational database tables.
Settings Settings that affect the behaviour of Hibernate at runtime.
SettingsFactory Reads configuration properties and configures a Settings instance.

Package org.hibernate.cfg Description

This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel.