Uses of Class

Packages that use IdentifierValue
org.hibernate.engine This package contains classes that are "shared" by other packages, and implementations of some key algorithms. 
org.hibernate.tuple This package defines a runtime metamodel for entities at the object level and abstracts the differences between the various entity modes. 

Uses of IdentifierValue in org.hibernate.engine

Fields in org.hibernate.engine declared as IdentifierValue
static IdentifierValue IdentifierValue.ANY
          Always assume the transient instance is newly instantiated
static IdentifierValue IdentifierValue.NONE
          Never assume the transient instance is newly instantiated
static IdentifierValue IdentifierValue.NULL
          Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if the identifier is null.
static IdentifierValue IdentifierValue.UNDEFINED
          Assume nothing.

Methods in org.hibernate.engine that return IdentifierValue
static IdentifierValue UnsavedValueFactory.getUnsavedIdentifierValue(String unsavedValue, Getter identifierGetter, Type identifierType, Constructor constructor)
          Return an IdentifierValue for the specified unsaved-value.

Uses of IdentifierValue in org.hibernate.tuple

Methods in org.hibernate.tuple that return IdentifierValue
 IdentifierValue IdentifierProperty.getUnsavedValue()

Constructors in org.hibernate.tuple with parameters of type IdentifierValue
IdentifierProperty(String name, String node, Type type, boolean embedded, IdentifierValue unsavedValue, IdentifierGenerator identifierGenerator)
          Construct a non-virtual identifier property.
IdentifierProperty(Type type, boolean embedded, boolean hasIdentifierMapper, IdentifierValue unsavedValue, IdentifierGenerator identifierGenerator)
          Construct a virtual IdentifierProperty.