Uses of Class

Packages that use RowSelection
org.hibernate.engine This package contains classes that are "shared" by other packages, and implementations of some key algorithms. 
org.hibernate.impl This package contains implementations of the central Hibernate APIs, especially the Hibernate session. 
org.hibernate.loader This package defines functionality for processing JDBC result sets and returning complex graphs of persistent objects. 

Uses of RowSelection in org.hibernate.engine

Methods in org.hibernate.engine that return RowSelection
 RowSelection QueryParameters.getRowSelection()

Methods in org.hibernate.engine with parameters of type RowSelection
 QueryParameters QueryParameters.createCopyUsing(RowSelection selection)
 void QueryParameters.setRowSelection(RowSelection selection)

Constructors in org.hibernate.engine with parameters of type RowSelection
QueryParameters(Type[] positionalParameterTypes, Object[] positionalParameterValues, Map namedParameters, Map lockModes, RowSelection rowSelection, boolean readOnly, boolean cacheable, String cacheRegion, String comment, Serializable[] collectionKeys, Object optionalObject, String optionalEntityName, Serializable optionalId, ResultTransformer transformer)
QueryParameters(Type[] positionalParameterTypes, Object[] positionalParameterValues, Map namedParameters, Map lockModes, RowSelection rowSelection, boolean readOnly, boolean cacheable, String cacheRegion, String comment, Serializable[] collectionKeys, ResultTransformer transformer)
QueryParameters(Type[] positionalParameterTypes, Object[] positionalParameterValues, Map lockModes, RowSelection rowSelection, boolean cacheable, String cacheRegion, String comment, boolean isLookupByNaturalKey, ResultTransformer transformer)

Uses of RowSelection in org.hibernate.impl

Methods in org.hibernate.impl that return RowSelection
protected  RowSelection AbstractQueryImpl.getRowSelection()
 RowSelection AbstractQueryImpl.getSelection()

Uses of RowSelection in org.hibernate.loader

Methods in org.hibernate.loader with parameters of type RowSelection
protected  ResultSet Loader.getResultSet(PreparedStatement st, boolean autodiscovertypes, boolean callable, RowSelection selection, SessionImplementor session)
          Fetch a PreparedStatement, call setMaxRows and then execute it, advance to the first result and return an SQL ResultSet