Uses of Interface

Packages that use ParameterParser.Recognizer

Uses of ParameterParser.Recognizer in org.hibernate.engine.query

Classes in org.hibernate.engine.query that implement ParameterParser.Recognizer
 class ParamLocationRecognizer
          Implements a parameter parser recognizer specifically for the purpose of journaling parameter locations.

Methods in org.hibernate.engine.query with parameters of type ParameterParser.Recognizer
static void ParameterParser.parse(String sqlString, ParameterParser.Recognizer recognizer)
          Performs the actual parsing and tokenizing of the query string making appropriate callbacks to the given recognizer upon recognition of the various tokens.

Uses of ParameterParser.Recognizer in org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql

Classes in org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql that implement ParameterParser.Recognizer
static class SQLQueryParser.ParameterSubstitutionRecognizer