Uses of Class

Packages that use SqlNode

Uses of SqlNode in org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree

Subclasses of SqlNode in org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree
 class AbstractNullnessCheckNode
          AbstractNullnessCheckNode implementation
 class AbstractRestrictableStatement
          Convenience implementation of RestrictableStatement to centralize common functionality.
 class AbstractSelectExpression
          Partial implementation of SelectExpression for all the nodes that aren't constructors.
 class AbstractStatement
          Convenience implementation of Statement to centralize common functionality.
 class AggregateNode
          Represents an aggregate function i.e.
 class BetweenOperatorNode
          Contract for nodes representing logcial BETWEEN (ternary) operators.
 class BinaryArithmeticOperatorNode
          Nodes which represent binary arithmetic operators.
 class BinaryLogicOperatorNode
          Contract for nodes representing binary operators.
 class BooleanLiteralNode
          Represents a boolean literal within a query.
 class Case2Node
          Represents a case ...
 class CaseNode
          Represents a case ...
 class CollectionFunction
          Represents 'elements()' or 'indices()'.
 class ConstructorNode
          Represents a constructor (new) in a SELECT.
 class CountNode
          Represents a COUNT expression in a select.
 class DeleteStatement
          Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL delete statement.
 class DotNode
          Represents a reference to a property or alias expression.
 class FromClause
          Represents the 'FROM' part of a query or subquery, containing all mapped class references.
 class FromElement
          Represents a single mapped class mentioned in an HQL FROM clause.
 class FromReferenceNode
          Represents a reference to a FROM element, for example a class alias in a WHERE clause.
 class HqlSqlWalkerNode
          A semantic analysis node, that points back to the main analyzer.
 class IdentNode
          Represents an identifier all by itself, which may be a function name, a class alias, or a form of naked property-ref depending on the context.
 class ImpliedFromElement
          Represents a FROM element implied by a path expression or a collection reference.
 class IndexNode
          Represents the [] operator and provides it's semantics.
 class InLogicOperatorNode
 class InsertStatement
          Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL "insert select" statement.
 class IntoClause
          Represents an entity referenced in the INTO clause of an HQL INSERT statement.
 class IsNotNullLogicOperatorNode
          IsNotNullLogicOperatorNode implementation
 class IsNullLogicOperatorNode
          Represents a 'is null' check.
 class LiteralNode
          Represents a literal.
 class MethodNode
          Represents a method call.
 class OrderByClause
          Implementation of OrderByClause.
 class ParameterNode
          Implementation of ParameterNode.
 class QueryNode
          Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL select statement.
 class SelectClause
          Represents the list of expressions in a SELECT clause.
 class SelectExpressionImpl
          A select expression that was generated by a FROM element.
 class SelectExpressionList
          Common behavior - a node that contains a list of select expressions.
 class UnaryArithmeticNode
 class UnaryLogicOperatorNode
          Represents a unary operator node.
 class UpdateStatement
          Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL update statement.