Uses of Interface

Packages that use RelationalModel
org.hibernate.mapping This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 

Uses of RelationalModel in org.hibernate.mapping

Subinterfaces of RelationalModel in org.hibernate.mapping
 interface AuxiliaryDatabaseObject
          Auxiliary database objects (i.e., triggers, stored procedures, etc) defined in the mappings.

Classes in org.hibernate.mapping that implement RelationalModel
 class AbstractAuxiliaryDatabaseObject
          Convenience base class for AuxiliaryDatabaseObjects.
 class Constraint
          A relational constraint.
 class DenormalizedTable
 class ForeignKey
          A foreign key constraint
 class Index
          A relational table index
 class PrimaryKey
          A primary key constraint
 class SimpleAuxiliaryDatabaseObject
          A simple implementation of AbstractAuxiliaryDatabaseObject in which the CREATE and DROP strings are provided up front.
 class Table
          A relational table
 class UniqueKey
          A relational unique key constraint