Class OrderedMapType

  extended by org.hibernate.type.AbstractType
      extended by org.hibernate.type.CollectionType
          extended by org.hibernate.type.MapType
              extended by org.hibernate.type.OrderedMapType
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, AssociationType, Type

public class OrderedMapType
extends MapType

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.hibernate.type.CollectionType
Constructor Summary
OrderedMapType(String role, String propertyRef, boolean isEmbeddedInXML)
Method Summary
 Object instantiate(int anticipatedSize)
          Instantiate an empty instance of the "underlying" collection (not a wrapper), but with the given anticipated size (i.e.
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.type.MapType
getElementsIterator, getReturnedClass, indexOf, instantiate, replaceElements, wrap
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.type.CollectionType
assemble, compare, contains, deepCopy, disassemble, fromXMLNode, getAssociatedEntityName, getAssociatedJoinable, getCollection, getColumnSpan, getElementsIterator, getElementType, getForeignKeyDirection, getHashCode, getIdOfOwnerOrNull, getKeyOfOwner, getLHSPropertyName, getName, getOnCondition, getRHSUniqueKeyPropertyName, getRole, hasHolder, hydrate, initializeImmediately, instantiateResult, isAlwaysDirtyChecked, isArrayType, isAssociationType, isCollectionType, isDirty, isDirty, isEmbeddedInXML, isEqual, isModified, isMutable, isXMLElement, nullSafeGet, nullSafeGet, nullSafeSet, nullSafeSet, renderLoggableString, replace, resolve, semiResolve, setToXMLNode, sqlTypes, toColumnNullness, toLoggableString, toString, useLHSPrimaryKey
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.type.AbstractType
beforeAssemble, getHashCode, getSemiResolvedType, isAnyType, isComponentType, isEntityType, isEqual, isSame, replace, replaceNode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.type.Type
beforeAssemble, getHashCode, getSemiResolvedType, isAnyType, isComponentType, isEntityType, isEqual, isSame, replace

Constructor Detail


public OrderedMapType(String role,
                      String propertyRef,
                      boolean isEmbeddedInXML)
Method Detail


public Object instantiate(int anticipatedSize)
Description copied from class: CollectionType
Instantiate an empty instance of the "underlying" collection (not a wrapper), but with the given anticipated size (i.e. accounting for initial capacity and perhaps load factor).

instantiate in class MapType
anticipatedSize - The anticipated size of the instaniated collection after we are done populating it.
A newly instantiated collection to be wrapped.