Uses of Class

Packages that use Stream

Uses of Stream in org.apache.poi.hdgf

Methods in org.apache.poi.hdgf that return Stream
 Stream[] HDGFDiagram.getTopLevelStreams()
          Returns all the top level streams, which are the streams pointed to by the TrailerStream.

Uses of Stream in

Methods in with parameters of type Stream
static void VSDDumper.dumpStream(Stream stream, int indent)

Uses of Stream in org.apache.poi.hdgf.streams

Subclasses of Stream in org.apache.poi.hdgf.streams
 class ChunkStream
 class PointerContainingStream
          A stream that holds pointers, possibly in addition to some other data too.
 class StringsStream
          A Stream which holds Strings.
 class TrailerStream
          The TrailerStream is a special kind of Stream containing pointers, and some core document settings.
 class UnknownStream
          A placeholder for a stream where we don't known anything about how to process / handle it

Methods in org.apache.poi.hdgf.streams that return Stream
static Stream Stream.createStream(Pointer pointer, byte[] documentData, ChunkFactory chunkFactory, PointerFactory pointerFactory)
          Uses the pointer to locate a Stream within the document data, and creates it.
 Stream[] PointerContainingStream.getPointedToStreams()
          Returns all the "child" streams.

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