Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertySet

Uses of PropertySet in org.apache.poi

Methods in org.apache.poi that return PropertySet
protected  PropertySet POIDocument.getPropertySet(java.lang.String setName)
          For a given named property entry, either return it or null if if it wasn't found

Methods in org.apache.poi with parameters of type PropertySet
protected  void POIDocument.writePropertySet(java.lang.String name, PropertySet set, POIFSFileSystem outFS)
          Writes out a given ProperySet

Uses of PropertySet in org.apache.poi.contrib.poibrowser

Fields in org.apache.poi.contrib.poibrowser declared as PropertySet
protected  PropertySet PropertySetDescriptor.propertySet

Methods in org.apache.poi.contrib.poibrowser that return PropertySet
 PropertySet PropertySetDescriptor.getPropertySet()
          Returns this PropertySetDescriptor's PropertySet.

Uses of PropertySet in org.apache.poi.hpsf

Subclasses of PropertySet in org.apache.poi.hpsf
 class DocumentSummaryInformation
          Convenience class representing a DocumentSummary Information stream in a Microsoft Office document.
 class MutablePropertySet
          Adds writing support to the PropertySet class.
 class SpecialPropertySet
          Abstract superclass for the convenience classes SummaryInformation and DocumentSummaryInformation.
 class SummaryInformation
          Convenience class representing a Summary Information stream in a Microsoft Office document.

Methods in org.apache.poi.hpsf that return PropertySet
static PropertySet PropertySetFactory.create( stream)
          Creates the most specific PropertySet from an InputStream.

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hpsf with parameters of type PropertySet
DocumentSummaryInformation(PropertySet ps)
          Creates a DocumentSummaryInformation from a given PropertySet.
MutablePropertySet(PropertySet ps)
          Constructs a MutablePropertySet by doing a deep copy of an existing PropertySet.
SpecialPropertySet(PropertySet ps)
          Creates a SpecialPropertySet.
SummaryInformation(PropertySet ps)
          Creates a SummaryInformation from a given PropertySet.

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