Uses of Class

Packages that use Section

Uses of Section in org.apache.poi.contrib.poibrowser

Methods in org.apache.poi.contrib.poibrowser with parameters of type Section
protected  java.lang.String PropertySetDescriptorRenderer.toString(Section s, java.lang.String name)
          Returns a string representation of a Section.

Uses of Section in org.apache.poi.hpsf

Subclasses of Section in org.apache.poi.hpsf
 class MutableSection
          Adds writing capability to the Section class.

Methods in org.apache.poi.hpsf that return Section
 Section SpecialPropertySet.getFirstSection()
 Section PropertySet.getFirstSection()
          Gets the PropertySet's first section.
 Section PropertySet.getSingleSection()
          If the PropertySet has only a single section this method returns it.

Methods in org.apache.poi.hpsf with parameters of type Section
 void SpecialPropertySet.addSection(Section section)
 void MutablePropertySet.addSection(Section section)
          Adds a section to this property set.

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hpsf with parameters of type Section
MutableSection(Section s)
          Constructs a MutableSection by doing a deep copy of an existing Section.

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