Class TextPainter

  extended by org.apache.poi.hslf.model.TextPainter

public class TextPainter
extends java.lang.Object

Paint text into java.awt.Graphics2D

Yegor Kozlov

Nested Class Summary
static class TextPainter.TextElement
Field Summary
protected  TextShape _shape
protected static char DEFAULT_BULLET_CHAR
          Display unicode square if a bullet char can't be displayed, for example, if Wingdings font is used.
protected  POILogger logger
Constructor Summary
TextPainter(TextShape shape)
Method Summary
 java.text.AttributedString getAttributedString(TextRun txrun)
          Convert the underlying set of rich text runs into java.text.AttributedString
 void paint(java.awt.Graphics2D graphics)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected POILogger logger


protected static final char DEFAULT_BULLET_CHAR
Display unicode square if a bullet char can't be displayed, for example, if Wingdings font is used. TODO: map Wingdngs and Symbol to unicode Arial

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected TextShape _shape
Constructor Detail


public TextPainter(TextShape shape)
Method Detail


public java.text.AttributedString getAttributedString(TextRun txrun)
Convert the underlying set of rich text runs into java.text.AttributedString


public void paint(java.awt.Graphics2D graphics)

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