Uses of Class

Packages that use Line

Uses of Line in org.apache.poi.hslf.model

Methods in org.apache.poi.hslf.model that return Line
 Line Table.createBorder()
          Create a border to format this table
 Line TableCell.getBorderBottom()
 Line TableCell.getBorderLeft()
 Line TableCell.getBorderRight()
 Line TableCell.getBorderTop()

Methods in org.apache.poi.hslf.model with parameters of type Line
protected  void TableCell.anchorBorder(int type, Line line)
 void Table.setAllBorders(Line line)
          Format the table and apply the specified Line to all cell boundaries, both outside and inside
 void TableCell.setBorderBottom(Line line)
 void TableCell.setBorderLeft(Line line)
 void TableCell.setBorderRight(Line line)
 void TableCell.setBorderTop(Line line)
 void Table.setInsideBorders(Line line)
          Format the inside border using the specified Line object
 void Table.setOutsideBorders(Line line)
          Format the outside border using the specified Line object

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