Uses of Class

Packages that use ChunkNotFoundException

Uses of ChunkNotFoundException in org.apache.poi.hsmf

Methods in org.apache.poi.hsmf that throw ChunkNotFoundException
 java.lang.String MAPIMessage.getConversationTopic()
          Gets the conversation topic of the parsed Outlook Message.
 java.lang.String MAPIMessage.getDisplayBCC()
          Gets the display value of the "TO" line of the outlook message This is not the actual list of addresses/values that will be sent to if you click Reply in the email.
 java.lang.String MAPIMessage.getDisplayCC()
          Gets the display value of the "TO" line of the outlook message This is not the actual list of addresses/values that will be sent to if you click Reply in the email.
 java.lang.String MAPIMessage.getDisplayFrom()
          Gets the display value of the "FROM" line of the outlook message This is not the actual address that was sent from but the formated display of the user name.
 java.lang.String MAPIMessage.getDisplayTo()
          Gets the display value of the "TO" line of the outlook message This is not the actual list of addresses/values that will be sent to if you click Reply in the email.
 java.lang.String MAPIMessage.getMessageClass()
          Gets the message class of the parsed Outlook Message.
 java.lang.String MAPIMessage.getStringFromChunk(StringChunk chunk)
          Gets a string value based on the passed chunk.
 java.lang.String MAPIMessage.getSubject()
          Gets the subject line of the Outlook Message
 java.lang.String MAPIMessage.getTextBody()
          Gets the plain text body of this Outlook Message

Uses of ChunkNotFoundException in org.apache.poi.hsmf.parsers

Methods in org.apache.poi.hsmf.parsers that throw ChunkNotFoundException
 Chunk POIFSChunkParser.getDocumentNode(Chunk chunk)
          Pulls a Chunk out of this objects root Node tree.
 Chunk POIFSChunkParser.getDocumentNode(java.util.HashMap dirNode, Chunk chunk)
          Pulls a ByteArrayOutputStream from this objects HashMap, this can be used to read a byte array of the contents of the given chunk.

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