Package org.apache.poi.hssf.contrib.view

Class Summary
SVBorder This is an attempt to implement Excel style borders for the SheetViewer.
SVFractionalFormat This class is used to format cells into their fractional format.
SViewer Sheet Viewer - Views XLS files via HSSF.
SViewerPanel This class presents the sheets to the user.
SVRowHeader This class presents the row header to the table.
SVTableCellEditor Sheet Viewer Table Cell Editor -- not commented via javadoc as it nearly completely consists of overridden methods.
SVTableCellRenderer Sheet Viewer Table Cell Render -- not commented via javadoc as it nearly completely consists of overridden methods.
SVTableModel Sheet Viewer Table Model - The model for the Sheet Viewer just overrides things.
SVTableUtils SVTableCell Editor and Renderer helper functions.

Copyright 2008 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.