Class HSSFDataFormat

  extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDataFormat

public class HSSFDataFormat
extends java.lang.Object

Utility to identify builtin formats. Now can handle user defined data formats also. The following is a list of the formats as returned by this class.

0, "General"
1, "0"
2, "0.00"
3, "#,##0"
4, "#,##0.00"
5, "($#,##0_);($#,##0)"
6, "($#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)"
7, "($#,##0.00);($#,##0.00)"
8, "($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)"
9, "0%"
0xa, "0.00%"
0xb, "0.00E+00"
0xc, "# ?/?"
0xd, "# ??/??"
0xe, "m/d/yy"
0xf, "d-mmm-yy"
0x10, "d-mmm"
0x11, "mmm-yy"
0x12, "h:mm AM/PM"
0x13, "h:mm:ss AM/PM"
0x14, "h:mm"
0x15, "h:mm:ss"
0x16, "m/d/yy h:mm"

// 0x17 - 0x24 reserved for international and undocumented 0x25, "(#,##0_);(#,##0)"

0x26, "(#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)"

0x27, "(#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)"

0x28, "(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)"

0x29, "_(*#,##0_);_(*(#,##0);_(* \"-\"_);_(@_)"

0x2a, "_($*#,##0_);_($*(#,##0);_($* \"-\"_);_(@_)"

0x2b, "_(*#,##0.00_);_(*(#,##0.00);_(*\"-\"??_);_(@_)"

0x2c, "_($*#,##0.00_);_($*(#,##0.00);_($*\"-\"??_);_(@_)"

0x2d, "mm:ss"

0x2e, "[h]:mm:ss"

0x2f, "mm:ss.0"

0x30, "##0.0E+0"

0x31, "@" - This is text format.

0x31 "text" - Alias for "@"

Andrew C. Oliver (acoliver at apache dot org), Shawn M. Laubach (slaubach at apache dot org)

Constructor Summary
HSSFDataFormat(Workbook workbook)
          Construncts a new data formatter.
Method Summary
static java.lang.String getBuiltinFormat(short index)
          get the format string that matches the given format index
static short getBuiltinFormat(java.lang.String format)
          get the format index that matches the given format string
static java.util.List getBuiltinFormats()
 java.lang.String getFormat(short index)
          get the format string that matches the given format index
 short getFormat(java.lang.String format)
          Get the format index that matches the given format string, creating a new format entry if required.
static int getNumberOfBuiltinBuiltinFormats()
          get the number of builtin and reserved builtinFormats
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HSSFDataFormat(Workbook workbook)
Construncts a new data formatter. It takes a workbook to have access to the workbooks format records.

workbook - the workbook the formats are tied to.
Method Detail


public static java.util.List getBuiltinFormats()


public static short getBuiltinFormat(java.lang.String format)
get the format index that matches the given format string

Automatically converts "text" to excel's format string to represent text.

format - string matching a built in format
index of format or -1 if undefined.


public short getFormat(java.lang.String format)
Get the format index that matches the given format string, creating a new format entry if required. Aliases text to the proper format as required.

format - string matching a built in format
index of format.


public java.lang.String getFormat(short index)
get the format string that matches the given format index

index - of a format
string represented at index of format or null if there is not a format at that index


public static java.lang.String getBuiltinFormat(short index)
get the format string that matches the given format index

index - of a built in format
string represented at index of format or null if there is not a builtin format at that index
ArrayOutOfBoundsException - when the index exceeds the number of builtin formats.


public static int getNumberOfBuiltinBuiltinFormats()
get the number of builtin and reserved builtinFormats

number of builtin and reserved builtinFormats

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