Class HSSFFormulaEvaluator

  extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFormulaEvaluator

public class HSSFFormulaEvaluator
extends java.lang.Object

Amol S. Deshmukh < amolweb at ya hoo dot com >

Nested Class Summary
static class HSSFFormulaEvaluator.CellValue
          Mimics the 'data view' of a cell.
Field Summary
protected  HSSFRow row
protected  HSSFSheet sheet
protected  HSSFWorkbook workbook
Constructor Summary
HSSFFormulaEvaluator(HSSFSheet sheet, HSSFWorkbook workbook)
Method Summary
 HSSFFormulaEvaluator.CellValue evaluate(HSSFCell cell)
          If cell contains a formula, the formula is evaluated and returned, else the CellValue simply copies the appropriate cell value from the cell and also its cell type.
static void evaluateAllFormulaCells(HSSFWorkbook wb)
          Loops over all cells in all sheets of the supplied workbook.
static AreaEval evaluateArea3dPtg(HSSFWorkbook workbook, Area3DPtg a3dp)
static AreaEval evaluateAreaPtg(HSSFSheet sheet, HSSFWorkbook workbook, AreaPtg ap)
 int evaluateFormulaCell(HSSFCell cell)
          If cell contains formula, it evaluates the formula, and saves the result of the formula.
 HSSFCell evaluateInCell(HSSFCell cell)
          If cell contains formula, it evaluates the formula, and puts the formula result back into the cell, in place of the old formula.
protected static HSSFFormulaEvaluator.CellValue getCellValueForEval(ValueEval eval)
          Returns a CellValue wrapper around the supplied ValueEval instance.
protected static ValueEval getEvalForCell(HSSFCell cell, HSSFRow row, HSSFSheet sheet, HSSFWorkbook workbook)
          Given a cell, find its type and from that create an appropriate ValueEval impl instance and return that.
protected static Eval getEvalForPtg(Ptg ptg)
          returns an appropriate Eval impl instance for the Ptg.
static FormulaParser getUnderlyingParser(HSSFWorkbook workbook, java.lang.String formula)
          Returns an underlying FormulaParser, for the specified Formula String and HSSFWorkbook.
 void setCurrentRow(HSSFRow row)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected HSSFRow row


protected HSSFSheet sheet


protected HSSFWorkbook workbook
Constructor Detail


public HSSFFormulaEvaluator(HSSFSheet sheet,
                            HSSFWorkbook workbook)
Method Detail


public void setCurrentRow(HSSFRow row)


public static FormulaParser getUnderlyingParser(HSSFWorkbook workbook,
                                                java.lang.String formula)
Returns an underlying FormulaParser, for the specified Formula String and HSSFWorkbook. This will allow you to generate the Ptgs yourself, if your needs are more complex than just having the formula evaluated.


public HSSFFormulaEvaluator.CellValue evaluate(HSSFCell cell)
If cell contains a formula, the formula is evaluated and returned, else the CellValue simply copies the appropriate cell value from the cell and also its cell type. This method should be preferred over evaluateInCell() when the call should not modify the contents of the original cell.

cell -


public int evaluateFormulaCell(HSSFCell cell)
If cell contains formula, it evaluates the formula, and saves the result of the formula. The cell remains as a formula cell. Else if cell does not contain formula, this method leaves the cell unchanged. Note that the type of the formula result is returned, so you know what kind of value is also stored with the formula.
 int evaluatedCellType = evaluator.evaluateFormulaCell(cell);
Be aware that your cell will hold both the formula, and the result. If you want the cell replaced with the result of the formula, use evaluateInCell(HSSFCell)

cell - The cell to evaluate
The type of the formula result (the cell's type remains as HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA however)


public HSSFCell evaluateInCell(HSSFCell cell)
If cell contains formula, it evaluates the formula, and puts the formula result back into the cell, in place of the old formula. Else if cell does not contain formula, this method leaves the cell unchanged. Note that the same instance of HSSFCell is returned to allow chained calls like:
 int evaluatedCellType = evaluator.evaluateInCell(cell).getCellType();
Be aware that your cell value will be changed to hold the result of the formula. If you simply want the formula value computed for you, use evaluateFormulaCell(HSSFCell)

cell -


public static void evaluateAllFormulaCells(HSSFWorkbook wb)
Loops over all cells in all sheets of the supplied workbook. For cells that contain formulas, their formulas are evaluated, and the results are saved. These cells remain as formula cells. For cells that do not contain formulas, no changes are made. This is a helpful wrapper around looping over all cells, and calling evaluateFormulaCell on each one.


protected static HSSFFormulaEvaluator.CellValue getCellValueForEval(ValueEval eval)
Returns a CellValue wrapper around the supplied ValueEval instance.

eval -


public static AreaEval evaluateAreaPtg(HSSFSheet sheet,
                                       HSSFWorkbook workbook,
                                       AreaPtg ap)


public static AreaEval evaluateArea3dPtg(HSSFWorkbook workbook,
                                         Area3DPtg a3dp)


protected static Eval getEvalForPtg(Ptg ptg)
returns an appropriate Eval impl instance for the Ptg. The Ptg must be one of: Area3DPtg, AreaPtg, ReferencePtg, Ref3DPtg, IntPtg, NumberPtg, StringPtg, BoolPtg
special Note: OperationPtg subtypes cannot be passed here!

ptg -


protected static ValueEval getEvalForCell(HSSFCell cell,
                                          HSSFRow row,
                                          HSSFSheet sheet,
                                          HSSFWorkbook workbook)
Given a cell, find its type and from that create an appropriate ValueEval impl instance and return that. Since the cell could be an external reference, we need the sheet that this belongs to. Non existent cells are treated as empty.

cell -
sheet -
workbook -

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