Class HSSFCellUtil

  extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.contrib.HSSFCellUtil

public class HSSFCellUtil
extends java.lang.Object

Various utility functions that make working with a cells and rows easier. The various methods that deal with style's allow you to create your HSSFCellStyles as you need them. When you apply a style change to a cell, the code will attempt to see if a style already exists that meets your needs. If not, then it will create a new style. This is to prevent creating too many styles. there is an upper limit in Excel on the number of styles that can be supported.

Eric Pugh

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static HSSFCell createCell(HSSFRow row, int column, java.lang.String value)
          Create a cell, and give it a value.
static HSSFCell createCell(HSSFRow row, int column, java.lang.String value, HSSFCellStyle style)
          Creates a cell, gives it a value, and applies a style if provided
static HSSFCell getCell(HSSFRow row, int column)
          Get a specific cell from a row.
static HSSFRow getRow(int rowCounter, HSSFSheet sheet)
          Get a row from the spreadsheet, and create it if it doesn't exist.
static void setAlignment(HSSFCell cell, HSSFWorkbook workbook, short align)
          Take a cell, and align it.
static void setCellStyleProperty(HSSFCell cell, HSSFWorkbook workbook, java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.Object propertyValue)
          This method attempt to find an already existing HSSFCellStyle that matches what you want the style to be.
static void setFont(HSSFCell cell, HSSFWorkbook workbook, HSSFFont font)
          Take a cell, and apply a font to it
static HSSFCell translateUnicodeValues(HSSFCell cell)
          Looks for text in the cell that should be unicode, like α and provides the unicode version of it.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HSSFCellUtil()
Method Detail


public static HSSFRow getRow(int rowCounter,
                             HSSFSheet sheet)
Get a row from the spreadsheet, and create it if it doesn't exist.

rowCounter - The 0 based row number
sheet - The sheet that the row is part of.
The row indicated by the rowCounter


public static HSSFCell getCell(HSSFRow row,
                               int column)
Get a specific cell from a row. If the cell doesn't exist, then create it.

row - The row that the cell is part of
column - The column index that the cell is in.
The cell indicated by the column.


public static HSSFCell createCell(HSSFRow row,
                                  int column,
                                  java.lang.String value,
                                  HSSFCellStyle style)
Creates a cell, gives it a value, and applies a style if provided

row - the row to create the cell in
column - the column index to create the cell in
value - The value of the cell
style - If the style is not null, then set
A new HSSFCell


public static HSSFCell createCell(HSSFRow row,
                                  int column,
                                  java.lang.String value)
Create a cell, and give it a value.

row - the row to create the cell in
column - the column index to create the cell in
value - The value of the cell
A new HSSFCell.


public static void setAlignment(HSSFCell cell,
                                HSSFWorkbook workbook,
                                short align)
                         throws org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException
Take a cell, and align it.

cell - the cell to set the alignment for
workbook - The workbook that is being worked with.
align - the column alignment to use.
org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException - Thrown if an error happens.
See Also:
for alignment options


public static void setFont(HSSFCell cell,
                           HSSFWorkbook workbook,
                           HSSFFont font)
                    throws org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException
Take a cell, and apply a font to it

cell - the cell to set the alignment for
workbook - The workbook that is being worked with.
font - The HSSFFont that you want to set...
org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException - Thrown if an error happens.


public static void setCellStyleProperty(HSSFCell cell,
                                        HSSFWorkbook workbook,
                                        java.lang.String propertyName,
                                        java.lang.Object propertyValue)
                                 throws org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException
This method attempt to find an already existing HSSFCellStyle that matches what you want the style to be. If it does not find the style, then it creates a new one. If it does create a new one, then it applyies the propertyName and propertyValue to the style. This is nessasary because Excel has an upper limit on the number of Styles that it supports.

workbook - The workbook that is being worked with.
propertyName - The name of the property that is to be changed.
propertyValue - The value of the property that is to be changed.
cell - The cell that needs it's style changes
org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException - Thrown if an error happens.


public static HSSFCell translateUnicodeValues(HSSFCell cell)
Looks for text in the cell that should be unicode, like α and provides the unicode version of it.

cell - The cell to check for unicode values
transalted to unicode

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