Uses of Class

Packages that use CharacterRun

Uses of CharacterRun in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model

Methods in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model with parameters of type CharacterRun
 Picture PicturesTable.extractPicture(CharacterRun run, boolean fillBytes)
          Returns picture object tied to specified CharacterRun
 boolean PicturesTable.hasEscherPicture(CharacterRun run)
 boolean PicturesTable.hasHorizontalLine(CharacterRun run)
          determines whether specified CharacterRun contains reference to a picture
 boolean PicturesTable.hasPicture(CharacterRun run)
          determines whether specified CharacterRun contains reference to a picture

Uses of CharacterRun in org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel

Methods in org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel that return CharacterRun
 CharacterRun Range.getCharacterRun(int index)
          Gets the character run at index.
 CharacterRun Range.insertAfter(java.lang.String text)
          Inserts text onto the end of this range
 CharacterRun Range.insertAfter(java.lang.String text, CharacterProperties props)
          Inserts text onto the end of this range and gives that text the CharacterProperties specified in props.
 CharacterRun Range.insertBefore(java.lang.String text)
          Inserts text into the front of this range.
 CharacterRun Range.insertBefore(java.lang.String text, CharacterProperties props)
          Inserts text into the front of this range and it gives that text the CharacterProperties specified in props.

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