Uses of Class

Packages that use Property
org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem filesystem package maps OLE 2 Compound document files to a more familiar filesystem interface. property package contains high and low level Property structures for POIFS. 

Uses of Property in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem

Methods in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem that return Property
protected  Property EntryNode.getProperty()
          grant access to the property

Constructors in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem with parameters of type Property
EntryNode(Property property, DirectoryNode parent)
          create a DocumentNode.

Uses of Property in

Subclasses of Property in
 class DirectoryProperty
          Directory property
 class DocumentProperty
          Trivial extension of Property for POIFSDocuments
 class RootProperty
          Root property

Methods in with parameters of type Property
 void Parent.addChild(Property property)
          Add a new child to the collection of children
 void DirectoryProperty.addChild(Property property)
          Add a new child to the collection of children
 void PropertyTable.addProperty(Property property)
          Add a property to the list of properties we manage
 boolean DirectoryProperty.changeName(Property property, java.lang.String newName)
          Change a Property's name
 boolean DirectoryProperty.deleteChild(Property property)
          Delete a Property
 void PropertyTable.removeProperty(Property property)
          Remove a property from the list of properties we manage

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