Uses of Interface

Packages that use BlockWritable
org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem filesystem package maps OLE 2 Compound document files to a more familiar filesystem interface. property package contains high and low level Property structures for POIFS. storage package contains low level binary structures for POIFS's implementation of the OLE 2 Compound Document Format. 

Uses of BlockWritable in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem

Classes in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem that implement BlockWritable
 class POIFSDocument
          This class manages a document in the POIFS filesystem.

Methods in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem that return BlockWritable
 BlockWritable[] POIFSDocument.getSmallBlocks()
          return the array of SmallDocumentBlocks used

Uses of BlockWritable in

Classes in that implement BlockWritable
 class PropertyTable
          This class embodies the Property Table for the filesystem; this is basically the dsirectory for all of the documents in the filesystem.

Uses of BlockWritable in

Classes in that implement BlockWritable
 class BATBlock
          A block of block allocation table entries.
 class BlockAllocationTableWriter
          This class manages and creates the Block Allocation Table, which is basically a set of linked lists of block indices.
 class DocumentBlock
          A block of document data.
 class HeaderBlockWriter
          The block containing the archive header
 class PropertyBlock
          A block of Property instances
 class SmallBlockTableWriter
          This class implements storage for writing the small blocks used by small documents.
 class SmallDocumentBlock
          Storage for documents that are too small to use regular DocumentBlocks for their data

Methods in that return BlockWritable
static BlockWritable[] PropertyBlock.createPropertyBlockArray(java.util.List properties)
          Create an array of PropertyBlocks from an array of Property instances, creating empty Property instances to make up any shortfall

Methods in with parameters of type BlockWritable
static SmallDocumentBlock[] SmallDocumentBlock.convert(BlockWritable[] store, int size)
          Factory for creating SmallDocumentBlocks from DocumentBlocks
static void[] blocks, byte[] buffer, int offset)
          read data from an array of SmallDocumentBlocks

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