Uses of Class

Packages that use LittleEndian.BufferUnderrunException
org.apache.poi.ddf This package contains classes for decoding the Microsoft Office Drawing format otherwise known as escher henceforth known in POI as the Dreadful Drawing Format. 
org.apache.poi.util Top-level util package are classes that are useful throughout the project. 

Uses of LittleEndian.BufferUnderrunException in org.apache.poi.ddf

Methods in org.apache.poi.ddf that throw LittleEndian.BufferUnderrunException
 void EscherDump.dump(byte[] data, int offset, int size, out)
          Decodes the escher stream from a byte array and dumps the results to a print stream.
 void EscherDump.dump(int recordSize, byte[] data, out)
 void EscherDump.dumpOld(long maxLength, in, out)
          This version of dump is a translation from the open office escher dump routine.

Uses of LittleEndian.BufferUnderrunException in org.apache.poi.util

Methods in org.apache.poi.util that throw LittleEndian.BufferUnderrunException
 void ShortField.readFromStream( stream)
          set the value from an InputStream
 void LongField.readFromStream( stream)
          set the value from an InputStream
 void IntegerField.readFromStream( stream)
          set the value from an InputStream
 void FixedField.readFromStream( stream)
          set the value from an InputStream
 void ByteField.readFromStream( stream)
          set the value from an InputStream
static byte[] LittleEndian.readFromStream( stream, int size)
          Read the appropriate number of bytes from the stream and return them to the caller.
static int LittleEndian.readInt( stream)
          get an int value from an InputStream
static long LittleEndian.readLong( stream)
          get a long value from an InputStream
static short LittleEndian.readShort( stream)
          get a short value from an InputStream

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