public static abstract class


extends Binder
implements IPackageInstallObserver
   ↳ android.os.Binder

Class Overview

Local-side IPC implementation stub class.


Inherited Constants
From interface android.os.IBinder
Public Constructors
Construct the stub at attach it to the interface.
Public Methods
IBinder asBinder()
Retrieve the Binder object associated with this interface.
static IPackageInstallObserver asInterface(IBinder obj)
Cast an IBinder object into an IPackageInstallObserver interface, generating a proxy if needed.
boolean onTransact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flags)
Default implementation is a stub that returns false.
Inherited Methods
From class android.os.Binder
From class java.lang.Object
From interface
From interface android.os.IBinder
From interface android.os.IInterface

Public Constructors

public IPackageInstallObserver.Stub ()

Construct the stub at attach it to the interface.

Public Methods

public IBinder asBinder ()

Retrieve the Binder object associated with this interface. You must use this instead of a plain cast, so that proxy objects can return the correct result.

public static IPackageInstallObserver asInterface (IBinder obj)

Cast an IBinder object into an IPackageInstallObserver interface, generating a proxy if needed.

public boolean onTransact (int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flags)

Default implementation is a stub that returns false. You will want to override this to do the appropriate unmarshalling of transactions.

If you want to call this, call transact().