public final class


extends ComponentInfo
implements Parcelable

Class Overview

Holds information about a specific content provider. This is returned by PackageManager.resolveContentProvider().


Creator<ProviderInfo> CREATOR
Inherited Constants
From interface android.os.Parcelable
public String authority The name provider is published under content://
public boolean grantUriPermissions If true, additional permissions to specific Uris in this content provider can be granted, as per the grantUriPermissions attribute.
public int initOrder Used to control initialization order of single-process providers running in the same process.
public boolean isSyncable Whether or not this provider is syncable.
public boolean multiprocess If true, this content provider allows multiple instances of itself to run in different process.
public String readPermission Optional permission required for read-only access this content provider.
public PatternMatcher[] uriPermissionPatterns If non-null, these are the patterns that are allowed for granting URI permissions.
public String writePermission Optional permission required for read/write access this content provider.
Inherited Fields
From class
From class
Public Constructors
ProviderInfo(ProviderInfo orig)
Public Methods
int describeContents()
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
String toString()
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this object.
void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int parcelableFlags)
Inherited Methods
From class
From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.os.Parcelable


public static final Creator<ProviderInfo> CREATOR


public String authority

The name provider is published under content://

public boolean grantUriPermissions

If true, additional permissions to specific Uris in this content provider can be granted, as per the grantUriPermissions attribute.

public int initOrder

Used to control initialization order of single-process providers running in the same process. Higher goes first.

public boolean isSyncable

Whether or not this provider is syncable.

public boolean multiprocess

If true, this content provider allows multiple instances of itself to run in different process. If false, a single instances is always run in processName.

public String readPermission

Optional permission required for read-only access this content provider.

public PatternMatcher[] uriPermissionPatterns

If non-null, these are the patterns that are allowed for granting URI permissions. Any URI that does not match one of these patterns will not allowed to be granted. If null, all URIs are allowed. The PackageManager.GET_URI_PERMISSION_PATTERNS flag must be specified for this field to be filled in.

public String writePermission

Optional permission required for read/write access this content provider.

Public Constructors

public ProviderInfo ()

public ProviderInfo (ProviderInfo orig)

Public Methods

public int describeContents ()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.

  • a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshalled by the Parcelable.

public String toString ()

Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this object. Subclasses are encouraged to override this method and provide an implementation that takes into account the object's type and data. The default implementation simply concatenates the class name, the '@' sign and a hexadecimal representation of the object's hashCode(), that is, it is equivalent to the following expression:

 getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())

  • a printable representation of this object.

public void writeToParcel (Parcel out, int parcelableFlags)