Uses of Class

Packages that use Options

Uses of Options in org.apache.axis2.client

Fields in org.apache.axis2.client declared as Options
protected  Options OperationClient.options

Methods in org.apache.axis2.client that return Options
 Options ServiceClient.getOptions()
          Get the basic client configuration from this service interaction.
 Options OperationClient.getOptions()
          Return the options used by this client.
 Options ServiceClient.getOverrideOptions()
          Get the client configuration used to override the normal options set by an operation client.
 Options Options.getParent()
          Get parent instance providing default property values.

Methods in org.apache.axis2.client with parameters of type Options
protected static org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope Stub.createEnvelope(Options options)
          Create a SOAP message envelope using the supplied options.
 boolean Options.isEquivalent(Options obj)
          Compares key parts of the state from the current instance of this class with the specified instance to see if they are equivalent.
 void ServiceClient.setOptions(Options options)
          Set the basic client configuration related to this service interaction.
 void OperationClient.setOptions(Options options)
          Sets the options that should be used for this particular client.
 void ServiceClient.setOverrideOptions(Options overrideOptions)
          Set a client configuration to override the normal options used by an operation client.
 void Options.setParent(Options parent)
          Set parent instance providing default property values.

Constructors in org.apache.axis2.client with parameters of type Options
OperationClient(AxisOperation axisOp, ServiceContext sc, Options options)
Options(Options parent)
          In normal mode operation, this options will try to fulfil the request from its values.

Uses of Options in org.apache.axis2.context

Fields in org.apache.axis2.context declared as Options
protected  Options MessageContext.options

Methods in org.apache.axis2.context that return Options
 Options MessageContext.getOptions()

Methods in org.apache.axis2.context with parameters of type Options
 void MessageContext.setOptions(Options options)
          Set the options for myself.
 void MessageContext.setOptionsExplicit(Options op)

Uses of Options in org.apache.axis2.description

Methods in org.apache.axis2.description with parameters of type Options
 OperationClient OutOnlyAxisOperation.createClient(ServiceContext sc, Options options)
          Returns a MEP client for an Out-only operation.
 OperationClient OutInAxisOperation.createClient(ServiceContext sc, Options options)
          Returns a MEP client for an Out-IN operation.
 OperationClient AxisOperation.createClient(ServiceContext sc, Options options)
 OperationClient RobustOutOnlyAxisOperation.createClient(ServiceContext sc, Options options)
static AxisService AxisService.createClientSideAxisService(javax.wsdl.Definition wsdlDefinition, QName wsdlServiceName, java.lang.String portName, Options options)
static AxisService AxisService.createClientSideAxisService( wsdlURL, QName wsdlServiceName, java.lang.String portName, Options options)
          To create a AxisService for a given WSDL and the created client is most suitable for client side invocation not for server side invocation.
static TransportInDescription ClientUtils.inferInTransport(AxisConfiguration ac, Options options, MessageContext msgCtxt)

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