Uses of Interface

Packages that use Handler

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.clustering

Classes in org.apache.axis2.clustering that implement Handler
 class RequestBlockingHandler

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.context

Methods in org.apache.axis2.context with parameters of type Handler
 void MessageContext.addExecutedPhase(Handler phase)
          Add a Phase to the collection of executed phases for the path.

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.description

Methods in org.apache.axis2.description that return Handler
 Handler HandlerDescription.getHandler()

Methods in org.apache.axis2.description with parameters of type Handler
 void HandlerDescription.setHandler(Handler handler)
          Explicitly set the Handler object

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.dispatchers

Classes in org.apache.axis2.dispatchers that implement Handler
 class AbstractOperationDispatcher
 class AbstractServiceDispatcher
 class ActionBasedOperationDispatcher
 class AddressingBasedDispatcher
          Dispatcher based on the WS-Addressing properties.
 class HTTPLocationBasedDispatcher
          Dispatches the operation based on the information from the target endpoint URL.
 class RelatesToBasedOperationDispatcher
 class RelatesToBasedServiceDispatcher
 class RequestURIBasedDispatcher
          Dispatches the service based on the information from the target endpoint URL.
 class RequestURIBasedOperationDispatcher
          Dispatches the operation based on the information from the target endpoint URL.
 class RequestURIBasedServiceDispatcher
 class RequestURIOperationDispatcher
          Dispatches the operation based on the information from the target endpoint URL.
 class SOAPActionBasedDispatcher
          Dispatches based on the SOAPAction.
 class SOAPMessageBodyBasedDispatcher
          Dispatches based on the namespace URI of the first child of the body.
 class SOAPMessageBodyBasedOperationDispatcher
 class SOAPMessageBodyBasedServiceDispatcher

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.engine

Classes in org.apache.axis2.engine that implement Handler
 class AbstractDispatcher
          This the base class for all dispatchers.
 class DispatchPhase
 class InstanceDispatcher
          Deprecated. The functionality of this class has moved into the DispatchPhase postconditions
 class Phase
          A Phase is an ordered collection of Handlers.

Methods in org.apache.axis2.engine with parameters of type Handler
 void Phase.addHandler(Handler handler)
          Add a handler to the Phase.
 void Phase.addHandler(Handler handler, int index)
          Add a Handler at a particular index within the Phase.
 void Phase.setPhaseFirst(Handler handler)
          Add a Handler to the Phase in the very first position, and ensure no other Handler will come before it.
 void Phase.setPhaseLast(Handler handler)
          Add a Handler to the Phase in the very last position, and ensure no other Handler will come after it.

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.handlers

Classes in org.apache.axis2.handlers that implement Handler
 class AbstractHandler
          Class AbstractHandler

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.handlers.addressing

Classes in org.apache.axis2.handlers.addressing that implement Handler
 class AddressingInFaultHandler
          This class is used to extract WS-Addressing Spec defined Faults and FaultDetail and convert them into understandable AxisFault objects.
 class AddressingInHandler
 class AddressingOutHandler
 class AddressingValidationHandler

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.handlers.soapmonitor

Classes in org.apache.axis2.handlers.soapmonitor that implement Handler
 class SOAPMonitorHandler

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.client.dispatch

Classes in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.client.dispatch that implement Handler
 class DispatchOperationHandler

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatchers

Classes in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatchers that implement Handler
 class GenericProviderDispatcher
          This dispatcher will look for a specific operation on the AxisService and return it if found.
 class MustUnderstandChecker
          Plugin to remove "understood" headers for the JAXWS related headers.
 class MustUnderstandValidationDispatcher
          Do JAXWS MustUnderstand header processing per the JAXWS 2.0 specification.

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.saaj.util

Classes in org.apache.axis2.saaj.util that implement Handler
 class UnderstandAllHeadersHandler
          Marks all SOAP headers as processed.

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.transport

Subinterfaces of Handler in org.apache.axis2.transport
 interface TransportSender
          TransportSender sends the SOAP Message to other SOAP nodes.

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.transport.http

Classes in org.apache.axis2.transport.http that implement Handler
 class CommonsHTTPTransportSender

Uses of Handler in

Classes in that implement Handler
 class JavaTransportSender

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.transport.jms

Classes in org.apache.axis2.transport.jms that implement Handler
 class JMSSender
          The TransportSender for JMS

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.transport.local

Classes in org.apache.axis2.transport.local that implement Handler
 class LocalResponder
 class LocalTransportSender

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.transport.mail

Classes in org.apache.axis2.transport.mail that implement Handler
 class MailTransportSender

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.transport.mail.server

Classes in org.apache.axis2.transport.mail.server that implement Handler
 class SMTPFaultHandler
          This will handle faults for SMTP case.

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.transport.nhttp

Classes in org.apache.axis2.transport.nhttp that implement Handler
 class HttpCoreNIOSender
          NIO transport sender for Axis2 based on HttpCore and NIO extensions
 class HttpCoreNIOSSLSender

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.transport.tcp

Classes in org.apache.axis2.transport.tcp that implement Handler
 class TCPTransportSender

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.transport.xmpp

Classes in org.apache.axis2.transport.xmpp that implement Handler
 class XMPPSender

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis2.util

Methods in org.apache.axis2.util with parameters of type Handler
static void Utils.addHandler(Flow flow, Handler handler, java.lang.String phaseName)

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