Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory

Interface Summary
BlockFactory BlockFactory

Interface to create Block objects An object is created from either a reader, another Block or the BusinessObject.

JAXBBlockFactory JAXBBlockFactory

Creates a JAXBBlock.

MessageFactory MessageFactory

Creates a Message object.

OMBlockFactory OMBlockFactory

Creates an OMBlock

* The FactoryRegistry should be used to get access to the Factory

SAAJConverterFactory SAAJConverterFactory Creates an SAAJConverter object A factory is necessary because implementations may need to plug in their own SAAJ or OM implementations.
SOAPEnvelopeBlockFactory SOAPEnvelopeBlockFactory

Creates a SOAPEnvelopeBlock

The FactoryRegistry should be used to get access to the Factory

SourceBlockFactory SourceBlockFactory

Creates a SourceBlock

The FactoryRegistry should be used to get access to the Factory

XMLPartFactory XMLPartFactory

Creates an XMLPart object.

XMLStringBlockFactory XMLStringBlockFactory

Creates a XMLStringBlock

The FactoryRegistry should be used to get access to the Factory


Class Summary

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